If things went badly between her and Trey, she could lose the only people she had in the world.

Did she know him well enough to know that if things were to not end well between them romantically, she wouldn’t lose the closest thing she had to a family?

And Chelsea— Chelsealovedher.

Would she still love her if her son and Maybelle had a catastrophic, dramatic breakup? Maybelle liked to think she knew them well enough, that the Turners would never abandon her, but she was terrified to be naive, too trusting.

Kissing and being with Trey had been fun but it had to be done, as far as they were concerned, they were like long distance, estranged cousins…Nope, feelings were far too raw to be ok with imagining them related in any way, even if it was for the sake of avoiding the obvious magnetism between them.

Trey and Maybelle were buds, there, much better.

This week had actually been far too busy to even think about Trey anyway.

Fat lie, but that’s beside the point.

Maybelle had been cooking up a plan, finalized all the details Thursday but was waiting to announce her news until Trey was home for the weekend to hear them in person.

Maybelle was absolutely giddy with excitement as she slipped on a fitted, spring leaf green, capped sleeve tee with whitewash jeans in the bathroom.

Today was a really good day and she knew it could only get better because she did the impossible that morning.

She ran.

Granted, it was more like a really bouncy, fast walk that was probably a spectacle to witness and left her joints screamingbut it was enough, and she didn’t fall. Next up, sprinting, and tonight was the first step at getting there.

Maybelle paused, making eye contact with herself in the bathroom mirror, giving her image one last once over before exiting and she couldn’t help admiring her reflection, truly admiring it.

Stunned by the significant difference just a few weeks had altered, Maybelle acknowledged the new, more apparent freckles that smattered across the bridge of her nose and tops of her plump rosy cheeks, her sun bronzed skin from walking outside and reading hours on end in the yard, her round pink lips, the fullness in her hips and breasts, she noticed the way the green top made her eyes favor a sea foam color, her arms looked strong under the fabric, her curls coiling in a brilliant honey gold as she combed her fingers in the roots and fluffed to add volume to her mane.

Her hair was now her favorite feature of herself since after earlier in the week when Chelsea went with her to get it cut, shortening the curls from past her butt to her mid back.

The length was still elegant and long, but the coils sprung with so much more excitement at the loss of the extra dead weight.

Maybelle Mason was stunning.

She no longer looked plagued with any remnants of exhaustion or appeared stale with the lack of life. She was vibrant.

Maybelle jumped at the sound of the front door opening and closing, Trey and his mom greeting one another in the kitchen.

It was time.

Maybelle stepped out of the bathroom, the house was filled with the amazing aroma of a new pasta recipe Chelsea wastrying out and Maybelle already knew by the taste of the air that it was going to be life altering delicious.

When she entered the kitchen, she found Trey straining the boiled pasta noodles with his mom, his weekend bag carelessly tossed on the floor just passed the front door.

Goodness, the universe must hate her because he somehow got prettier in the last week.

Trey’s muscled arms strained against the fabric of a plain white tee, his caramel waves fell a tad longer, messier across his brows, the shadow along his jaw line thicker with scruff and when he turned away from her Maybelle got an immaculate view of the way his dark jeans hugged the curves of his ass.

This whole ordeal was not only going to be a nerve-wracking announcement but a war at fighting the urge to not just drool at Trey’s every movement.

Focus Maybelle, focus.

Chelsea and Trey were speaking lowly, recapping his week of training and preparing for school to start next week.

Maybelle’s hands were trembling, she was going to explode her secret all over the place. She sucked in a deep breath and held it in as she made her way to start setting the table.

Maybelle was so enthralled with her big news and how she would present it, she briefly forgot how tensely uncomfortable things might still be between her and Trey until she reached for the utensils in a drawer to his left while he simultaneously reached for a serving spoon, their hands made contact, lightly grazing one another. Maybelle abruptly halted with tension, but Trey was smooth as he let that light touch continue to slip up her wrist, across her forearm and off her elbow, sending a ruckus of shivers through her bones while he took a step back giving her a good view of his smirk and flirtatious wink, “Hello, friend.”