Trey chuckled harshly as he grabbed her hand and showed it to, her palm up, like she’d never seen it before, “Maybelle, this is not fine.” He snarled under his breath.
Maybelle ripped her hand from his and pushed from the door bringing them almost nose to nose, “I am not made of glass, Trey. I want to walk; I want to run. I want to be able to do things on my own. A few scrapes and bruises are inevitable. Get used to it.” She seethed.
For a long moment they stared one another down in challenge. The space between them mere centimeters, the heat broiling to a melting point, their breathing quick and short, their heart rate thrumming with intensity.
As pissed and as frustrated as he was with the infuriating, reckless woman in front of him Trey wanted to kill the remaining distance between them, press himself fully against her, lace his fingers in her hair and hold her against the door as he worshiped her beautiful plump-lipped mouth with his own.
But he wouldn’t.
He wouldn’t push past this; he would respect the boundaries she set no matter how ridiculous they were.
He could win her back in other ways. Show her that there was no way for her to ruin or lose anything when it came to him, that she was stuck with him whether she liked it or not because they belonged together.
Hold that thought.
Maybelle’s hands were up and now fisting the sides of his shirt. She wasn’t pulling him close, yet, but he could see the war, the desire and restraint battle within her.
She wanted him.
Maybelle was pressing in further, drawing in closer, practically panting with anticipation.
Oh, Trey wanted to give in, to fall into her silent pleads but an idea crashed like lightning against his skull.
This, this was how he would get her back.
Not the chasing, the begging, or the coddling. Nope, he was going to make this feisty, stubborn woman realize just exactly what she was missing.
He didn’t need to win her back because she was already his. She just needed to let go of her damned pride, fear and give in.
And that’s exactly what he would get her to do.
So, he pushed forward, leaving no doubt in her mind that he too would give into temptation. Maybelle fell for the bait, closing her eyes tilting herself up, inviting him to kiss those beautiful lips, and that’s where he halted.
“This whole friend thing isn’t sounding so fun, now, is it?” He whispered, his voice deep and sultry.
Maybelle’s eyes opened wide just in time to see him wink, push off the door leaving her still pressed into the door, while Trey strutted down the hall to take a shower in his bathroom.
You want to be friends, Mayhem?
Fine. Game on.
26 Big News
A week had passed since that long awkward ride back home to Chelsea. Maybelle almost kissed the ground when she and Trey finally arrived home, freeing her of the painfully silent vehicle. Trey acted absolutely unbothered by the tension that made Maybelle bite her right thumb nail down to a nasty nub.
Trey and Chelsea had gone out to dinner that Saturday, early evening for their mother, son date and Maybelle could not have been more thankful for it.
They left and she retreated to her bedroom, cracking open a new book and resting her achy as hell body from the fall earlier that morning.
She didn’t see Trey again before he left back to school.
He took off early that Sunday morning.
He didn’t text or call her once the rest of the week. Maybelle would be lying if she said she didn’t miss him but if she learned anything from that weekend at college this was how it had to be, or she would risk everything.
Not only was her stupidly vulnerable heart on the line, especially after finding Trey and that cheerleader together but she had come to realize how little she knew about Trey which brought up so many more insecurities.
The main one being that the Turners were the only individuals in the world offering to care for her, to give her a place to come home to, support her and be a family for her.