Maybelle took a quick glance at herself then back at him, “Wow, what?”

Trey gave her a conspiratorial look that told her she should know but she didn’t. She was in a towel, her hair was a wet mess, what was wow about tha— ah, she was in a towel, practically naked.

How she brushed over that fact before opening the door she will never know. Her skin was hot now and probably super pink, but she held her ground and gave Trey her prettiest, flirtiest smile.

“Oh, this old thing?” She said in a dramatically proper voice as she made to curtsy in the towel like a dress. When she pulled it up at the corner, she nearly flashed Trey her lady bits and her cheeks were definitely a deep strawberry color now.

Alright, enough embarrassing herself.

Maybelle risked a look at Trey who was just watching her with amusement, his eyes doing things to her she wished he would do with his hands.Goodness, she was going to melt into a pile of goop if he was going to keep staring at her like that without doing anything about it.

“Uhm,” She started, needing to ease the tightening tension between them, “Do you need the bathroom? I’m almost done.”

Trey had slid in closer without her realizing, her palms were a clammy mess, and her heart was beating frantically.

Trey scrubbed a hand over his face and jaw like he was waking himself from a trance, “Nope, just wanted to check in on you. You hungry? Bear is making breakfast; I can tell him to cook you up something.” His voice was a rumble of gravelly notes, the restrain and nervousness evident in his movements.

Maybelle swallowed bobbing her head up and down, flirting with the idea of asking him what he was thinking.

Or even better, justaccidentallyletting her towel fall from her hands, “Yes, thank you.” She said instead, smiling like a little devil with the ideas twirling around in her head.

Trey narrowed his eyes, his hand taking a spot up on the door frame above her head as he leaned in so delightfully close, “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, May?”His voice was still so rough and deep. Tumbling through every innate, private part of her nerve endings.

Maybelle held his eyes with hers, not letting her smile waver as she shrugged, “Just thinking about how you mightreact if my towel just— slipped.” Maybelle popped her lips with the pronunciation and Trey’s eyes went ablaze.

That was her answer, he’d react in the best, most sensational way and she was ready to put her theories to the test.

Trey bent down into her space, lips brushing by her ear, “Why don’t you and see what happens?”

Holy smokes.

Didn’t have to tell her twice.

Maybelle was damn near ready to let the cloth fall, to kiss Trey with no barriers, just skin on glorious skin. Her fingers twitched and taunted with the temptation when a loud fist pounded on the bedroom door sending Maybelle jumping back, hands painfully tightening to her towel.

“Turner, Maybelle, Bear has breakfast ready. Get your asses out here.” Larson bellowed from the other side of the door and Trey growled.

“Fuck you, Chad.” Trey barked and Maybelle couldn’t help but giggle.

Larson replied with a curious, “Ok?” And a couple mumbled remarks they couldn’t hear as his loud retreating footsteps echoed in the hall. Trey faced Maybelle fully, his features tight as he put both hands on either side of the door frame, taking full inventory of her still standing under him, trembling just a bit from the rush, “Where were we?” He asked and Maybelle smirked.

“I was about to get dressed and you are expected for breakfast.” Trey’s brows furrowed with obvious disappointment, lips rolling together, “Right.” He grunted, an amused look playing at the corner of his lips.

They remained like that for a beat, like they could soak up every single detail of the tension filled moment as they both gave each other one last once over. Maybelle, with an overlysweet smile, shut the door and Trey with a hand raking through his messy hair left the room.

About a half hour later Maybelle’s hair was a dry, frizzy mane that curled down past her hips.

She really needed a haircut.

Maybelle walked up to the bathroom mirror to inspect her fit in the reflection. She brought jean shorts for her outfit not thinking about her already scuffed up knees and how they were super red and angry looking now. She considered wearing a pair of leggings instead, but it was too hot, and it would drag down the top she wore special for Trey.

So, she cleaned up her knees best she could, came up with a story that they were rug burns from falling in therapy and then headed out the door to the kitchen which smelt so good.

Trey was sitting at the counter with Larson, while Bear was in a black apron whipping up pancakes with his back toward her. As Maybelle exited the hallway Larson was the first to notice her and by his growing smirk, she had done well with her outfit choice.

Bear turned just then to face her, giving her the perfect view of the scrawl across the front of the apron that read,Mr. Good Looking is cooking. He gave her a big ole toothy grin, one hand holding a pan of pancakes and the other hand holding a spatula, “Good morning, I love the team pride you got going on there.” He turned to serve a plate of pancakes to both Larson and Trey.

At Bear’s acknowledgment of her, Trey finally turned to see Maybelle and his reaction was everything she’d hoped for. Trey’s eyes were wide but a muscle in his jaw ticked as he clenched it. His merciless gaze freely roamed up her exposed legs to the UCLA football jersey Chelsea had fished out of Trey’s closet at home for her. It was his first season jersey that had his name printed across the back and his number thirty-three.