Caught red handed.

Williams took another careless bite of his pop tart, “Where have you been sneaking off to?”

Maybelle stood straight, putting her arms behind her back to hide her elbow, “I was just getting some fresh air.”

He made a show of inspecting his pop tart then shot her a suspicious look, “And your elbow?”

Maybelle lifted her uninjured elbow checking out the skin in front of him before quirking a curious brow, “What about it?”Wow, she deserved an Oscar for that performance.

Williams finished off his pop tart, stood from the counter then grabbed a towel and wet it.

“Come here.” He ordered, ringing out the cloth in the sink. Maybelle obeyed, when she approached Williams, he took hold of her arm and began to clean up her aching joint.

“You going to tell me the truth now, or are you going to keep on lying?” Williams inquired; his eyes trained on her wound.

Maybelle sighed, hating having to admit defeat, “I was walking, and I tried to run. Made it two steps before I face-planted.”

Williams snorted and she swatted his shoulder, “Can you please keep this between us? I don't need Trey being a nervous Nancy around me this weekend.”

Finally, Williams’s dark eyes met hers holding for only a moment before he went back to work, “I’ll keep quiet about your fall if you keep quiet about seeing me eating his pop tarts.”

Maybelle snickered then hissed when he wiped at a particularly sensitive spot.

Williams left her side to reach up into a high cupboard where he pulled out a first aid kit. He quickly recovered a bandage and placed it on her elbow, “Alright, good as new.” He announced.

“Thank you, Noah.”

Maybelle turned to retreat down the hall, back to Trey’s room but Williams cleared his throat.

“You know, I totally get it; Trey’s caring can be a little— overwhelming sometimes but cut him some slack for being a bit of a worrier. It’s how he cares for his people and it’s nice knowing someone out there actually cares.” Williams brushed by leaving her with a friendly pat on the shoulder and with his words.

24 Wrong Time, Wrong Mayhem

Maybelle had successfully snuck back into Trey’s room without being discovered this time.

The gorgeous athlete was exactly where she last left him, draped over the massive fluffy bed, not snoring.

Honestly how much more perfect could he get?

He was beautiful inside and out, was an athlete for goodness’s sake and he didn’t snore? Maybelle never once thought she would swoon over someone not snoring but here, she was, practically drooling at the fact.

After gawking for a brief moment, she retrieved her outfit she had planned for the game today and crept into Trey’s private bathroom to shower.

The bathroom was small but fresh, white and clean. The towels he had were big, plush and an elegant black. He even had an air freshener plugged into the wall that was scented of spice, whiskey and something else Maybelle couldn’t quite put her finger on, but it smelt incredible.

He kept a tidy room and bathroom, another thing to add to her fast-growing list of favorite qualities of Trey right under, “doesn’t snore”.

After her shower she was wrapped in a towel applying some makeup Chelsea had bought her earlier in the week and had taught her how to use. She had peachy gloss for her lips, a pink blush and mascara. Chelsea had told Maybelle she wasn’t allowed to use foundation because her skin was too good, and her freckles were too cute to cover up.

She finished applying her blush and mascara but was in the middle of painting her lips glossy when there was a soft rap on the door.

Maybelle put down the gloss, tightened the towel around her body but let the towel wrapped in her hair topple out onto the floor just before she opened the door to a sleepy Trey who must have just woken up by the look of his half-mast eyes, messy hair, and the imprint of the pillows on his face.

So, so handsome.

A lazy smile spread first until he finally registered the full sight of her. Trey’s emerald eyes almost fell out of his face as he skimmed her body up, down, and back up again.

He cleared his throat and stood straighter against the door frame, “Wow, uhm, yeah, just wow.”