“Ok, last thing.” Maybelle announced and Trey tensed, knowing exactly what was lying at the bottom of that bag.

She tugged out that small, black, leather-bound notebook, that journal full of the sweetest words, gentle thoughts, aggressive goals, dark nightmares, and beautifully bright dreams. His Maybelle opened to the first page of the book, her eyes skimming the words written across it. That same page he read at her bedside a year ago.

A small gasp escaped her, “Is this mine? This whole thing?” Her hand covered her mouth as she continued to study the first few pages of the book.

“Yeah, you have been recording your life since middle school. I thought it would be a good thing if you’re ever curious or have questions about your past. You can ask the person who was there for all of it. You.”

Trey was sweating, hoping she would cherish that little bound book of pages, like he did. The book that got him through the last year in one piece.

“Wow,” Maybelle whispered as she flipped to the next page. Her soft stunned look suddenly turned astounded, “Oh my— I dedicated this whole thing to my future husband.” She pointed, eyes still searching. A beat of silence passed before Maybelle gingerly placed the book on her lap, “This is very precious, thank you, Trey. For all of this, really this was too much.”

Maybelle did a sweeping gesture to the items at her side and the journal on her lap.

Trey sighed with relief, “I’m so glad you like it, May. I hope you can—” Maybelle cut him off with a targeted suspicious stare that made him quickly shut his mouth.

Shit, what did he do?

Maybelle held up his journal, accusatory eyes still tracking him, “Now, Mr. Turner, how did you know this was my journal and that it dates back to middle school?”

Oh fuck.

Did not think that one through, he didn’t think that through at all.Shit shit shit.

“Uhm.” He fumbled for words. He could totally fib… He could bend the truth, spare his pride and her opinion of him this round.

“I read it.” Nope, guess the strategy was all honesty tonight,damn it all to hell.

Maybelle’s eyes widened, and mouth fell open with dramatic astonishment, “Oh, Trey Turner, you are so obsessed with me. It might be creepy if you weren’t so damned cute about it.”

Her hearty laughter bellowed over the phone, and he knew his face was a bright red. He couldn’t argue with that, he was so damned obsessed with her that it probably should be considered a little stalker-like, but he had all the best intentions which had to count for something, right?

“I cannot believe you read my journal, the journal I wrote for my husband!” She hiccuped through the belly laughs that slowly calmed.

He gave her a nonchalant shrug, “Oh Mayhem, love. You and I both know that book belongs to me. I’m just letting you borrow it.”Oh…ok, yeah that just popped right on out there,shit.

He really had no filter with this woman.

Maybelle’s face contorted to silently ask himwhere the hell he found the audacity to claim something like that. He chuckled nervously, wiping his clammy hands against his shorts. Only way to make it out of this one, false confidence.

Trey shot her a quick wink over the phone.

Maybelle shook her head, with an amused lift of her lips, “You are something else, handsome.”

Friday night finally rolled around, and Trey was supposed to leave early Saturday morning for home, but he couldn’t wait.

He got to his apartment from training, showered, dressed in sweats and a long sleeve cotton shirt, packed a bag and was on his way out, hair still damp, before he was stopped by the small party of people gathered in his living room.

Larson and Bear had a couple girls sitting with them on the bean bag and couch, a kid from the team named Sam was holding one girl hostage in a conversation, she looked so damn uncomfortable.

Trey almost felt bad for her but the poor awkward as hell kid needed the practice socializing. She would be fine to listen to his cringey ramblings a little while longer.

At the kitchen counter, sat one of his most favorite people ever, and one of his least favorite people ever.

The young man at the countertop turned, seeing Trey approach with his bags, “Hey, Turner. How are you man?”

Trey smiled brightly at his old friend from high school, “Hey, Williams.”

Noah Williams had taken up the position of first-string quarter back and captain of their high school football team during Trey’s first season of college ball. Williams quickly became the number one high school quarter back in the state of California. He had a line of colleges begging to put him on their teams, but Williams chose to follow in the footsteps of the guy who had taken such care to teach and befriend him at a young age when he was first learning the game of football. He even wore Liam's old number, number three.