Maybelle tipped an imaginary hat to him in thanks.

Trey chuckled, sitting himself up higher on the bed, “Alright, are you ready to open the bag?” He questioned, a thrill expanding in his chest.

He wasn’t hopeful that the things he got for her would all of a sudden fix her memories, Trey was content with allowing her to heal and remember with time. But he felt a few of the items could connect her to herself, to her family and the thingsshe loved. As he watched her, he felt the exposed emptiness in his back pocket that was once always filled by a little, black journal that he had held tightly to for the last year.

Maybelle’s smile fell for only a split second before she recovered and bobbed her head up and down, “Yeah, let me grab that.”

Maybelle put the phone down so Trey faced the ceiling and not too long later she was back, propping him up on the bed so he could see her while she sat on the other side of the mattress, hands busy with the backpack of trinkets.

Maybelle was biting into her cheek, staring nervously off to the side, like she was mentally running away.

“May.” Trey addressed her, Maybelle’s eyes slowly panned back to the phone, “You don’t have to do this, you know? The last thing I want is for you to be pressured into this if you’re uncomfortable.”

His stomach did tighten with the anxiety that she would back out, but he meant it.

He would never pressure her if she wasn’t ready.

Maybelle’s shoulders fell slightly, “I want to look at it, I’m super curious as to what you packed but I’m nervous…” She paused for a moment, eyes darting away then back, “I’m nervous you’re expecting me to remember and then I will disappoint you when I don’t.”

She squeezed the bag tighter to her chest, like a lifeline as she waited for his response and Trey’s heart cracked at the sight.

Hell, she was adorably flawless, and he was an idiot for not realizing this might have been a concern for her.

“Mayhem, I am not expecting this to be a cure all, I just wanted to get you somethings that could connect you to your life, your old life. Just a couple small, simple things to help you learn about who you are, where you come from.”

Her grip on the bag loosened and Trey felt like he could breathe just a little easier.

“—And love, I could never be disappointed in you. You are incredible, with or without your memories you will always be exceptional to me. Ok?”

Trey watched her carefully, she had turned her face away from him which had him wondering if he said something wrong until he heard a small sniffle crack through the other side of the call, “Awe, May, are you crying?”

Maybelle quickly swiped at her cheek as she sniffed a couple more times before turning back to the camera, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Shut up, and let’s open this bag already.”

Her small cries mingled with embarrassed laughter as she continued to wipe away escaped tears making him smile and the strain against his chest dissipate.

She unzipped the bag and went in for the first item which was a white novel with a little upside-down chick on the front, “Flipped?” Maybelle asked, opening the book cover to read the author’s name, “Flipped by, Wendelin Van Draanen.”

Trey’s smile grew wide as he watched her study the book, “Yeah, that one was your favorite.” He informed, remembering all the times through the years he had seen her read and re-read the story over and over again.

Maybelle smiled sweetly at the book before putting it off to the side, “I will start it tonight.” She promised and his heart throbbed against his ribcage.

The next item she removed from the bag was a video game case, the game CD inside, “Just Dance, for the Wii?” Maybelle eyed him curiously, “You guys have a Wii?” She asked.

Trey snorted, realizing he had overlooked that important detail in his rush of elation to pack the bag for her,“Nope, don’t know when you will be able to play that, but it was your favorite game to play with your mom on girls’ nights.”

His lungs heaved lightly with the memories of Liam calling and begging him for an escape every time his mom and Maybelle got the game out to play. They always tried so hard to get him to play with them, but he swore it was the cringiest shit and refused to join.

Trey knew secretly that Liam enjoyed watching them make fools of themselves, trying to hit all the moves, but he liked giving them the space to do their mother, daughter thing together.

Maybelle nodded, setting the game off to the side with the book. She then removed a small pair of wireless ear buds from the bottom of the bag, “Oh this will be nice, I’ve been wanting to listen to more music.” She mused.

Trey snickered, “I bet, you are a music and singing prodigy.” Maybelle dropped the earbuds and her jaw.

“No way, for real?” Her voice squeaked with enthusiasm.

Trey nodded back fervently.

“Hmmm.” Maybelle hummed, “How cool. I’ll have to give that a try then, maybe I will serenade you soon.” She gifted him a sideways smirk and it took everything in him not to burst at the seams with laughter.