Page 61 of Come Back To Me

Without it, he won’t last five minutes.

Still my mind races trying to work it all out. Whoever has the ability to release men from prison, has power. And if he’s that powerful, he most definitely knows of our connection with Costa. In which case, our new business could be the most dangerous yet.

I try to steady my thoughts as I say, “Tell me what happened exactly.”

Pulling out his smokes from his pocket, Vincent holds them up to me.

I nod, agreeing to letting him light one at the table.

“I woke up to a call from my guy.” He puts the smoke in his mouth then inhales as he lights it. “Said someone was on his property.” He drops the lighter to the table before he continues. “Psycho was staring through the window to his bedroom. Just stood there, watching him.”

“Did he say anything?”

“Didn’t get a chance to say anything, the prick was gone by the time he got out there.”

Creasing my face, my fingers interlock on the table in front of me. “And where were these guard dogs of his?”

Vincent leans forward in his chair, resting on his elbows. “Whoever was there had tied both of them up, got them under control.”

My face wrinkles with confusion. “What’s the fucking point of guard dogs if they don’t guard? Surely they would be trained to attack if anyone came onto their property?” Mop sighs so loud, I turn my head to him. “What?”

He shakes his head knowingly. “Means they knew exactly what to do so the dogsdidn’tattack.”

Shit.Someone really is watching closely. Which makes what I have to do when I get back to Dean’s make even more sense. I take a breath, filling my lungs. “We have to assume eyes are onallof us. From dusk ‘til dawn.”

“See, this is where I have issues, becauseyouare yet to have received any threats. The Rippers seem to be getting off pretty fucking lightly from where we stand.”

I won’t deny it, I see how it looks. “We’re about to go into business together. If this shit happens to you, it impacts us. Andwho says tomorrow it won’t be one of us?”

Vincent locks his jaw, his eyes hollowed and locked on mine. “You’d better pray somethingdoeshappen to you, otherwise I’m going to start assuming the Rippers are taking us for fools. And well, you’ve seen what will happen with your own eyes.”

What I saw was my president—the closest thing I have to a best mate—end a man’s life where Vincent wouldn’t. Just because someone hasn’t come after us yet, doesn’t mean they won’t.

“The threats made up ‘til now are low level. But that doesn’t mean we can take them lightly, not with what we’re getting into just ahead of us. Everyone needs to be made aware now of what’s going on.” My eyes scan all the men around the table. “Make the calls to your other charters, we’ll do the same to ours.” I make sure I lock my eyes on Vincent’s when I speak again, knowing that we’re treading water with each other, but also knowing we have no other fucking choice. Enemies usually use love against you. “It’s time to do whatever it takes to protect what we love most.”

I grip the handle of my bike, twisting until the drag from the engine sucks me into my seat. I need to put a thousand miles on her—escape it all. Aint no feeling like it.

The answer is always the same. Busy head? Ride. Secrets to bury? You ride. A cluster fuck of emotions causing you to spiral? Just ride until the fucking veil lifts enabling you to think again.

Unless there isn’t time. In which case, you’re stuck under it.

I pull up outside number seventy-seven and kill the engine. I take a minute just sat trying to process everything. The way I handled things with Costa and Vincent didn’t start off how I’d planned. I let them get under my skin. Let him in my head. I’ve never allowed anyone to do that.

Well, maybe one.

Now Mollie’s back, I can’t help but assume that’s why I’mlosing my grip on things. I need to figure it out fucking sharpish. If I don’t, we’ll end up uniting our chaos, and there’s only one way that ends.

Pushing the front door open, the house is shrouded in darkness. Doesn’t look like Mads made it downstairs at all today. I knew she wouldn’t. I should have come by sooner to check on her.

I don’t bother kicking off my boots as I make my way upstairs. Dean’s been gone four days. We’ll know soon if they have sufficient evidence to charge him or not. It’s pretty unlikely he’ll get off given the charges, but I can hope.

Pushing the door open to the bedroom, the slow rise and fall of Mads’ chest lets me know she’s sleeping. Finally. Dropping her off the other night was devasting.

I’d put her in her car and drove her back. Not once did her tears lessen. When she didn’t move, I cradled her in my arms and put her into the bed myself. No words were spoken. She wouldn’t talk. Didn’t utter a single word to me as I removed her shoes and coat. Her eyes just remained closed… like she was protecting herself by blocking it out.

Pulling the door to, I hear her stir.Fuck.

“Dean?” she whispers hurriedly. I feel shit for waking her. She props herself up on her elbows quickly, looking for the man she needs as I step into the room.