“No, it’s me,” I say.
Her head falls, and she slowly lowers herself back to the pillow.
“I’ll get you some water.” Turning, I leave the room again and head to the kitchen. Walking back a few moments later, I find her turned on her side, away from me. “Here you go.” I place the glass on the bedside table.
Mads wipes her fresh tears away, her hair damp and crumpled, a few strands sticking to her cheek where she’s been laid on them. I don’t know what to say or how to comforther. Mads and I, we’ve always just gotten along with jokes and sarcasm. Both of which have no place right now.
I sit on the bed near to her. “He’ll be okay,” I say softly. Mads gives me nothing. No acknowledgement of what I just said. I can’t help the exhausted breath that comes from me. “Mads?”
Blinking her eyes, she eventually focuses on me when I say her name one more time. “What?” she says.
“I said, he’ll be okay.”
Sitting up slightly, she pushes the pillows behind her back to get comfy. She gives me eye contact for the briefest of moments. A tiny hint that she heard what I said.
We’ve done this before; sat together, me telling her he’ll be alright, that nothing would stop him coming home to her. But she looks away from me, resting her head flat against the pillow. “Even you don’t believe that.”
Her words land heavy, like dropping an anchor into the ocean. They drop and keep going until they crash against the floor. I can’t answer, can’t even give her some smart-arse reply because she’s fucking right.
Dean had no identity the minute he got arrested. Affiliations and brotherhood don’t count. Ideology and power are what rule. If he’s not protected, he’s a sitting duck.
My heart starts drumming in my chest, my palms suddenly sweaty. I open my mouth to speak but Mads beats me to it. “He knew, didn’t he?”
I drop my head, apparently giving her my answer. Of course he knew they were coming for him. We didn’t know when exactly, but he had preparations made.
She turns her head away, pulling the duvet close to her face, trying to block me out. “Please, leave me alone.”
With a sigh I stand, knowing I’m not wanted. Mads doesn’t look at me, and I hate myself for what comes out of my mouth next. “It’s time to go, Mads.”
Chapter Fifteen
Imust have heard him wrong. “What do you mean?” My voice all but cracks as I ask.
“Uh, Dean… he wants you away from all this.”
I bite my tongue, literally forcing my teeth down so I don’t scream. “Why?” I manage to force out.
Travis flusters as he tries to explain why I supposedly can’t be here; in the house I’ve practically lived in every day since Dean and I have been together.
“If you’re going to tell me it’s not safe, I need answers.” I sit up straighter waiting for Travis to tell me what’s going on.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he says quietly, his hand raking over his beard. “He’s right, Mads. It isn’t safe right now. We need to get in front of whatever’s going on before we get in deeper…”
“Deeper?” I push when he doesn’t continue. When he refuses to say anything more, I move to lay down, dropping my head to the pillow. “I’m not going anywhere. Not until he comes back.”
Travis takes a heavy, hushed breath. “He warned you might make it difficult.”
“Come again?” I say, wincing as I sit bolt upright, cupping my bump.
“Slow down there,” he says, leaning forward to see if I’mokay. I try to brush him off but he doesn’t allow it. “Look, I know exactly where your head’s at.” He moves to sit next to me. I wonder how and whether it has anything to do with Mollie? “But you can’t let it beat you. Deanwillcome back, mark my words. For now, we need to do what he asks. Otherwise we complicate shit.”
I can’t help the hint of sarcasm that escapes. “Wecomplicate shit?” He smiles but I add, “I’m still not leaving until he gets home.” His smile fades as I lay myself back down.
Travis rubs his face before speaking. “He was pretty fucking clear, Mads. Packed a bag for you and everything.”
He didwhat?“Where?”