Page 178 of Come Back To Me

“Jesus, she’s right.” Dad leans forward as I struggle to keep my emotions in check. I smile, my cheeks burning as he wipes away one of my tears. “Guess nothing changed. You got theending you deserved.”

I sniff, wiping my face. “Almost.” Once the baby’s here and Dean’s out of the club, then we get our ending. We’re so close to the finish line.

“You need to tell me all about him.”

“He’s fucking gorgeous,” Jess butts in, again lost in her own thought.

I look at her bewildered as my dad slowly cranes his head.

“What? No harm in saying the truth.”

I laugh at her. “He’ll be your brother-in-law one day.”

“Only by half,” she says with a wink and a grin spreading wide.

“Marriage? You want to marry this man?” Dad asks looking back at me.

Not want. Will.

I already said yes.

Chapter Forty


I’m the president. When it comes down to it, I have to take responsibility. For the club. Lauren. Legs. Mads.


Grabbing a shower before I head out, I let my head hang, the hot water massaging the back of my neck. Fuck, I already miss her. Four days is nothing compared to the time we were apart, but she’s been gone two hours and I already want to call. Like the night sky without the stars, I’m empty without her.

Taking her to the scan, I’ve never felt more needed. More loved. More in the place I know I’m meant to be. The baby never stopped moving. Little wriggler’s on the small side, but she certainly doesn’t lack strength. Like her mum. It’s yet to be confirmed, butshewill be my saving grace.

I could look in my wallet and see it for myself, but something inside me tells me not yet.

I turn off the water, watching the last remaining drops fall off my face. What lays ahead is not going to be easy. Everyone has to play their part. One wrong move, one fuck up… then I don’t get what I want.

We won’t stop Costa.

This shit won’t ever end.

Grim as it may be, I am not prepared to let my future slipaway again. Last time was too close a call.

I run through the plan one last time. It only works if I can confirm the final piece, getting Travis’ uncle on board. They haven’t spoken properly in years after things turned sour. He may be family and helped us before, but he’ll need some reassurances we won’t destroy his livelihood if he’s to agree.

Stepping out the shower, I dry off and change. Legs is going to hate every part of this day. Stupid kid mayfit the bill,but Lauren’s key? I couldn’t talk to him. Ignored the little prick until the fire dancing in my head was tamed.

Fucking, Lauren. She was staying with Legs before I stole her key?Hiskey. The thought makes me want to rage. If Mads were here she’d know how to handle this. I’m too out of my depth. Too old to be worrying about teenagers.

Mads can’t find out about Legs’ friendship with Lauren. Not a chance. Nor can sheeverknow that I’m going to have to ask Lauren for help. Legs is already walking a fine fucking tightrope. He so much as breathes too loud near me today; I might kill him.

After getting Mick to agree to loan us a truck and his barn, I meet Travis at the clubhouse. He’s quiet. Hasn’t spoken a word to me since I arrived. My visiting his uncle and telling him about Mollie’s son has clearly brought up the past for him.

He downs his drink, places the glass on the bar, then turns back to the laptop he’s working at.

“You want to talk about it?” I ask.

He turns, and I lift an eyebrow. He bangs his fingers on the keyboard, eventually looking from me to the screen. “What time is she getting here?”