Page 179 of Come Back To Me

I take a sip of my coffee. So, he doesn’t want to talk about his uncle. “Any minute now.”

“And Legs?”

“He’s busy.”

Travis eyes me curiously but doesn’t question it. His phonepings, and he pulls it from his pocket, reading the screen. “Shipment’s confirmed. Tomorrow, midnight.”

“Location?” I ask.

“Legs was right,” Travis starts. “Pick up’s at an airfield further north. Then we drop off same place as last time.”

I quickly shake away the desire to drive to Costa and put a bullet in his brain, end all of this now. Once those people have been auctioned tomorrow, it’s our job to get them out of there before we’re expected to ship them across the country.

“I can’t fucking find a thing.” Travis slams the laptop shut.

Fuck. I was hoping he’d be able to access the dark web before we needed Lauren’s help. I can’t believe I’m about to drag her into this. “Whathaveyou found?”

He stands from the stool and rounds the bar, pouring himself another pint. “Nothing. Not even a sniff. I don’t get it.” He walks back around the bar to his stool.

“You ever think we’re too old for this shit?” I ask quietly. Why? Why the fuck did I ask him that?

He looks at me, his face blank. “What you getting at?”

Getting out. “Nothing.” I look at him. “Just weird that we're enlisting the help of kids to do this shit.”

“Speaking of kids, where the fuck have you been?” Travis nods his head.

I look over my shoulder, a wicked grin plastered on my face as Legs makes his way towards us. He’s covered in sweat and dirt. Soon to be tears, too.

“You look like you’ve seen better days,” Travis says.

Legs drops to a chair, his body sagging where he sits. “I have.”

“Did you do the bikes?” I ask. He nods. “All of them?” A nod. “The gutters?” A slow nod. “Toilets?”

His eye dart to mine. “You’re serious?” he says sounding broken.

I don’t even smirk. “Deadly.”

He reluctantly drags his sorry arse from the chair, then heads to start his next task.

Lauren chooses that moment to arrive. The pair look at one another, a familiar smile exchanged between them. And that’s when I step in, signalling for her to come over.

Grabbing the straps of her rucksack, she walks to us, breaking their eye contact. “Big guy.” She holds out her fist, and Travis bumps it with his.

I smile to myself. Then I immediately drop it when she looks to me, remembering I’m mad I didn’t know about her and Legs’ friendship.

“What’s up with you?” she asks, sensing my mood.

“Let’s get on with this.” Sitting forward, I drag the laptop along the bar, open it, and check what Travis was looking at.

She double takes, looking at the screen that pops up. “Google? Seriously? You’reGooglinghow to enter the dark web?”

Travis and I exchange a look.

“Fuck’s sake,” she says like we’re idiots. Lauren moves Travis out the way, taking off her bag and sitting on the stool. “We need to unscramble the random sequence that’s generated the URL you’re looking for.”

My lips part but I have nothing. Instead I look at Travis, feeling inadequate. “Drink?” I ask him, clearly not needed.