Page 99 of Come Back To Me

One more. Can I play the puppet one more time? “Who is it?”

He doesn’t answer. He pushes off the wall and walks away. He knows he has me where he wants me, dangling at the end of the fucking string.

Luke and I sit eating our food. The divisions of this prison keep us segregated from most. Times like these, they’re quiet. I shovel in the food thinking about my trial, also wondering when I’m next going to be called to carry out the greatest of sins. How the two contradict each other.

I’ve killed three men since I came inside. Three men whose lives I’ve taken all for my own survival. I don’t want to do it again. But I know I have no choice.There’s always a choice.I shove the fork into my food, stabbing the thing with too much force.

“Spill it,” Luke says, making me look up.

I push the tray away, no longer hungry. “Spill what?”

“Okay, I know it’s not been that long, but don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes. I’ve spent every hour with you for over a month.”


“Meaning, I know you.” I raise a brow questioningly. “I know you always take a shit before you eat. You don’t sleep. You’re always carrying around that picture like it’s keeping you going, and you say you’re good with what you’re doing when you’re actually really fucking not.”

Fuck me. “Perceptive of you, roomie.”

“Well, it’s not hard to see.”

“What isn't?”

“That part of you. The part of you that’s holding on to your humanity.”

My humanity. I thought I’d lost that long ago. “Shut up and eat your food,” I tell him.

He laughs slumping back in his chair. “I can’t eat anymore of this.” Luke pushes his plate away. He stretches, leaning back. “Fuck. Where the fuck did everyone go?”

I look around noticing we’re alone. “Maybe they all shitafterthey eat.”

He smiles as the door opens behind him. I look up, and he turns around to see who’s joined us.

The Saint. His minions following behind him. The feeling of the room immediately makes me wary. “Sorry to crash the date,” he jokes.

“No problem.” Luke stands as he speaks, turning to leave us to talk in private.

“You should stay.” The Saint points for Luke to sit back down.

My fists have clenched by my side. Luke never stays. I quickly try to work out how best to get us out of this situation. I can’t see a way. Luke eyes me, looking for direction. He knows something’s up, too. I don’t know why or how we came to this point of him listening or taking orders from me, but it’s where we’re at.

It’s trust.

I give him a nod, and he turns taking one last look back at The Saint before he moves back to sit opposite me.

“Remember when you came to me, asking for protection?” I don’t move. My eyes firmly locked on his as he shifts to stand behind Luke. “Well, you might have been right about the men who were sent to disrupt Sodom Saviours.”

Might have been right? I know I fucking am. “And?” My heart’s hammering my chest, but I keep the rise and fall of my breathing steady, not showing my unease. Is he going to tell me what he knows?

“As it turns out, the man you killed for Vincent,” I struggle not to let out a laugh, “I knew him. Wondered what happened to him once he got out.” He knew him? “He didn’t bring much to this world,” he continues, “had no ambition or drive for life. But inhere, he was for want of a better word, obedient.”

Hot heat swims through me. Jagged shards of anger start to pierce my calm. “Obedient,” I repeat his word.

“Yeah. Did exactly what he was told.”

I raise my finger, moving it between his minions. “Do they?”

“I shouldn’t worry about them,” he laughs menacingly. My gaze wanders to the men stood either side of him. “I want to see how obedientyouare.”