Page 100 of Come Back To Me

My move to jump out of my seat is immediate.

The Saint wraps his hand around Luke’s neck, pulling him back tightly, catching me and him off guard.

With frantic hands I reach across the table, grabbing to pull Luke from him. “Ah, ah, ah,” The Saint chides, yanking him back. “Sit the fuck down!”

His minions put me in my seat when I refuse.

“What the fuck is this?” My question earns me a whack to the face. I hear my nose crack before I feel the blood trickle to my top lip.

“This is you deciding what you want.”

“What I want?” I balk sitting up straighter.

“Gonna need you to speed up your search for the source.Iwant the person who ordered a man who worked for me to threaten my family.”

“Family,” I laugh. “You were never a member.” I taunt him pulling against the hands holding my arms behind my chair.

“Funny.” The Saint flicks open a makeshift knife. His eyes look down to Luke then stay on me. “Just about as funny as this.” He plunges the knife into Luke’s side, forcing him to let out an ear-splitting cry.

“No!” I’m pulled back, shocked, my head savagely held in place to watch.

“Make sure you’re fucking listening closely, boy. Here’s what I need you to do next.”

My breathing is quick, my eyes watching Luke’s clothes turn a dark shade of crimson. He grits his teeth together, his eyes clamped shut.

“You’re going to find the source formenow.”

I shouldn’t, but I let a low rumble of disbelief escape past my lips. “You mean The High and Mighty Saint can’t find someone in his own house?”

A waste of time. That’s what this has been. Played like a pawn on a chessboard, I’ve been used for someone else’s gain. For what?Survival?The men I killed weren’t to help me, they were to keep me in my proverbial place.

“Oh, I looked, but it seems as though whoever’s behind this, really doesn’t want to be found. A ghost, some might say, appears to be haunting us.”

“How do you expect me to find someone where evenyoucan’t?”

His hand on the knife still wedged in Luke’s ribs, twitches.

Luke grimaces, his back curling.

“It’s not a question ofcan’t. More like won’t.” I scrunch my face confused. “If I start digging too deep, people will begin to question how I let a man who worked for me, hurt my brothers on the outside.”

“They’re not your brothers!”

The Saint twists the knife, grinding it in Luke’s flesh. “Continue running your smart mouth and your boy’s gonna suffer more than he needs to.”

I spit the blood flooding my lip to the floor, then close my mouth.

The Saint gives his men a knowing look. They let me go but remain stood close by.

I wipe the blood off my face with the back of my hand. The Saint doesn’t let up, still holding Luke. Every part of me wants to reach across the table and end this. But I stay put.

“I have a reputation to uphold. Whereas you… well, you’re nothing. So youwillfind out who released men to threaten the club. And you’ll letmeknow.”

“As simple as that?” I half mock, half ask seriously.

“Simple. As. That.”

I let a beat pass. “How did you find out about the ambush so fast?” It’s a question I’ve wondered since he ordered Rippers MC to stop it.