Page 223 of Come Back To Me

I dip and pick her up, and her little arms wrap around my neck, finding the safety and comfort she needs. I feel my emotions catch in my throat, but the feeling is fucking euphoric—knowing I’m the hero of this little girl.

Bex loops her arm through mine. “You’re going to cry when you see her,” she whispers, as we walk steadily to the front of the church.

My nose wrinkles, already feeling it. “Is she okay?” Dumb question. I know she’s finally ready to be my wife.

“Better than that.”

I look down at Bex, trying to pass Grace back to her once we’re stopped.

“She’s madly in love with you.”

I smile, then bend down and kiss her cheek.

“Keep Grace with you. It’ll make Mads happy having you both here.” A lump starts to burn in my throat. Bex is right. She rubs Grace’s back then moves to stand next to Jess.

I move back to Travis and Jack.

“Wow,” Jack says, his jaw hitting the floor looking over my shoulder. “Quick, give him a tissue,” he says to Travis, making him grin. The gasps and coos tell me my girl is in the church. That and Jack’s mouth is still open.

“You’re dribbling,” I quickly point out. “Maybe you need the tissues,” I say with a frown.

The dick grins before his eyes widen. My girl is taking everyone’s breath away, and I haven’t looked at her yet.

Grace leans towards Mads behind me, seeing her mummy.

It’s then I turn, taking a deep breath. It’s not enough.Fuck. All oxygen leaves my body at the sight of the angel making her way toward me.

She smiles at a few people, her gaze dropping to the floor, embarrassed all eyes are on her. When she looks up, I find it too much. She shines so brightly, I swipe at my eyes, blinking the tears back. It’s no fucking good.

Jack nudges me from behind. He can keep his tissues. I want the woman spending the rest of her life with me to see what she does to me.

Uncle Ronnie whistles as Mads passes him, sending the church into uproar.

Things may have calmed down for him back home, but hesure knows how to rouse people up. I’m also pretty sure half of these men haven’t set foot in a church before, because it shows. They clap and whistle, cheering out loud. The sound bounces off the walls, echoing all around us.

Our eyes never leave each other’s as Mads takes the final steps to my side.

Her dad lets her go, moving to sit beside her mum.

Breaking the rules, I step to Mads, pulling her body flush with mine. Where it belongs. My lips brush against hers, and her breath hitches like it always does. I grin. “My fucking sunshine.”

“My VP,” she whispers back, before pressing her lips fully to mine.

More claps. More whistles. More cheering. I’m no longer a member, but the people inside this church will always be my family. They’ll always want what’s best for me. For us. They finally settle while we say our vows, stood hand in hand, our daughter in my arm.

The day she told me she was pregnant was the happiest day of my life. This is definitely the second. My cheeks ache from smiling so much. I don’t think it could get any better than this.

Later at the reception—if I can even call it that, we gather at the local pub where we live. Not following all the usual traditions, there’s no sit-down tables and speeches. What we have is our family,allof them, here. Naturally, the place is teaming.

I haven’t seen Mads for the past hour. I’m feeling withdrawals. I spot Jainey and Michael playing with Grace, keeping her entertained. “Have you seen Mads?” I ask them.

Neither of them look up when they tell me they haven’t, too engrossed in my daughter, who’s really bloody cute, still in her little dress.

Smiling, I turn spotting the guys huddled near the bar. Jay’s with them.

Beats holds out his hand.

I take it. “You seen Mads?” I ask him.