Page 222 of Come Back To Me

“Time’s up!” Bex swings open the door, one hand across her eyes. “Put her down and step away.” She blindly reaches for me, finding my arm and grabbing me. She pulls me back, playfully dragging me away as Dean simultaneously hands back my roses.

I smile, holding them in front of me. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“There.” Jess places the last pin in my hair. She steps back, admiring her handy work, her eyes swimming.

I lift my hand, looking at my reflection.

“You look beautiful,” Bex says.

I smile shyly. Jess really has done a good job. My hair’s tied in a low bun at the base of my neck.

Dad steps forward. “You really do. I’m proud of you.”

I struggle to hold back my tears at his words. “Car’s outside.” Lauren appears at the doorway, Grace securely in her arms. She spots my tear-filled eyes. “Want me to tell him to wait?”

“No, no, I’m fine.”

Dad holds out his arm.

I smile, dabbing my eye, looping my arm through his. “Let’s go.”

We pull up outside the church, arriving in the car Dean bought for us. It’s bigger than the Fiesta, I’ll give him that.

Legs jumps down from the driver’s seat, coming around and opening the door for me.

“Thank you,” I tell him.

He closes the door. “You’re welcome, Mads.”

I look down at his new patch. He more than deserved becoming a full member. Leaning forward, I place a kiss on his cheek.

Lauren steps closer with Jess and Bex, Grace walking by her side.

Legs then escorts them past the ample amount of Harleys lined up. It’s a sea of black. I honestly can’t count the number of bikers here. Even the doors to the church can’t close for the men and women stood in the doorway.

It warms my heart.

Dean’s been out for a year but the club has remained close. Able to ride, able to carry on working with Travis, Dean found freedom without carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He’s finally free from his demons. Finally able to see the people around him who love and adore him. None more so than our daughter.

His true happiness comes from her. The life we made.

The life we deserve.

Epilogue Two


“She’s here.” Travis returns his head to face forward.

My heart hammers yet I finally feel calm. The music starts, and I rub my hands together in front of me, holding them down. This is it.

The door to the church is already open but I hear everyone gasp. I chance a look, seeing Jess walking down the aisle first. She looks stunning wearing a champagne bridesmaid dress. She waves at Axl sat with Max, closely followed by Bex who looks equally incredible, holding Grace’s hand. Grace understandably looks frightened. The men watching her would be fucking terrifying to a one-year-old.

Bex looks up to me when Grace stops walking.

Unable to watch my baby girl looking so scared, I walk down the aisle to her.

She sees me coming then opens her arms for me.