Page 158 of Come Back To Me

I cock a brow, stunned, but smile cheekily. I can tell by her brows knitting together, I should probably stop.

“You’re driving me crazy and you’ve only been back three days.”

“I like driving you crazy.”

“Stop,” she sighs. “Please, just stop.”

I lose the grin and widen my stance, bending my legs to bring my face level with hers. I must have done something right to have her love me the way she does. I brush her hair off her face, curling my fingers into the strands behind her ears. I get a small moan from her, her eyes closing. “Soon.”

Kissing her, I make sure to leave my mark before I go. I possessively push my tongue into her mouth, standing straight, her head rolling back as I claim her. I hold her head steady so she can’t escape me—can’t ask me to share a truth I simply won’t yet. Maybe once we’re out, then she can know. But the truth hurts, and I’ll never hurt her again. I’m going to give her the world and more.

A short while later, I arrive at the clubhouse, fucking sick ofdriving. Thankfully, we’re riding out to meet Jack this morning. I haven’t fed my addiction for two wheels in so long. I don’t feel right. Turning off the engine, I reach inside my pocket for my smokes. I light one, feeling some of the tension leave my body, then step out, going in search of my bike.

Hearing his bike drawing closer, I worry how Travis is going to take my wanting to leave. I checked out on him once not too long ago. He won’t stand for that again. Not a chance.

He pulls up, shifting his gaze to me as I draw back the shutter where my bike has been.

I nod my chin to him. “The kid kept her in good nick?” I say, gesturing towards my bike once he kills his engine.

Travis nods holding up his hand, motioning two fingers towards him.

I step closer, passing him my smoke.

“Kept her busy, you know.”

I smile. He is definitely smoking more these days. He sucks on it as much as I did.

Seems like I was blessed with a curse of having people who want me around. I used to think I had no one. I’ve learned enough to know that simply isn’t true. Never was. Travis is stressed, and me not being here was the cause. What will he be like when there’s no more of this? No more of us, running this club together.

I have no fucking clue how I’m going to tell him. “We should quit.”

I look at him, and he huffs looking down at the cigarette, pulling another draw from it. “Yeah, but unlike you, I don’t have another vice. So this will do me.” Another vice. He knows damn well he could have another vice if he wanted it. He’s just too stubborn to let her back in. “What time we riding out?”

I look at my watch. “Best get going.” I pull the cover off my bike, smiling on the inside as I swing my leg over the saddle.

We ride to the old farm Travis’ uncle owns. There are pigs and a few vehicles kept here when they’re not being used. Travis was reluctant to come here, seeing as his uncle and he are not on the best of terms. The terms being that Travis hasn’t kept in touch since his family asked him to reconsider joining the club years ago. It was an easy decision to make back then, but I feel my face fall when I silently question whether it was worth it.

Riding in first, I dock my bike and look around for the truck I suspect Jack’s still driving.

“Come on. Explain what the fuck is going on,” Travis demands.

The quiet mind I gained from riding is suddenly full of screaming voices. My head throbs. “Do you want the good news or the bad news?”

He laughs. “You fucking prick.” I drop my head. “You drag me here, of all places, to tell me bad news?”

I step off my bike, running my hand through my hair. I need to get it cut.

Just as I go to speak, a vehicle I recognise pulls into the courtyard.Fuck. My insides rattle. They’ve met once, but that was years ago. I know exactly how Travis will react once he sees him. I’m instantly regretting this.

Holding my breath, I watch as Travis looks to the truck, then to me as he works this all out. I don’t miss the subtle straightening of his cut and flash of a gun. Great. Just what we need.

“Have faith in me, brother.”

Travis looks to me as the truck door opens. Jack steps out, closes the door, and walks to the back of his truck. He stops, then casually leans against the boot.

I turn to Travis, double taking, seeing him unimpressed and looking murderous.

“He’s dead.”