Page 159 of Come Back To Me

“Apparently not,” I reply scratching my beard which is in equal need of a trim.

“What the fuck is this, Dean?”

I gear myself up for the standoff of all standoffs between the two men I care about most. Neither of whom I can see standing down if things turn sour. “I know,” I try to reassure him, because I really do know how messed up Jack being here is.

There’s nothing I wanted more than for Jacknotto have died. The days and the weeks after hearing he’d gone were some of the worst I’ve ever experienced. And the man who picked me up and talked some sense into me, he’s the one who’s standing off his bike, looking like he’s ready to strangle someone if he doesn’t get answers, fast.

“One of you talk,” Travis jeers.

My lips part, but I struggle to put it into words.

“Travis.” Jack steps forward, his tone calm.

Travis remains wordless, his eyes flick to me before going back to Jack.

Jack senses his hesitation, edging himself closer. “Been a long time.”

Travis huffs. “The fuck is going on here?” His voice raises. “When you called yesterday, didn’t it occur to you to mention that your fucking cousin had risen from the dead?”


“—Don’t.” His eyes relax but his body still carries tension. Travis drags his hand down his beard, mentally working this all out.

“He got me out,” I confess. Unsure of what to do with my hands, I shove them in my pockets. Nervous.

Travis leans forward slightly. “And?”

“And, now we’re here,” Jack concludes stepping closer. “Need to make sure I can bring you in on what’s going on.”

Travis smiles but it’s not real. “Bring me in?” he says angrily,his eyebrows lifting. He turns to look at me. Judging by the way he’s starting to shake, maybe Lauren’s right. I need to give him a break. I’ve asked too much of him lately.

“I got us into some shit, brother.” Confusion spreads across his face. “Costa,” is all I add.

“Costa? What’s that coffee loving prick got to do with Jack being back?”

Jack laughs to himself, and we both look at him confused. He smiles. “That’s what I called him.”

Travis doesn’t react. Doesn’t so much as take a fucking breath. Jesus Christ. “Costa isn’t dealing guns,” I say, pulling Travis’ attention to me. “The shipment we intercepted.” Travis stares, waiting for me to go on. I sigh, gesturing to Jack. “Show him.”

Jack steps forward holding the tablet which details the grim reality we’ve got ourselves wrapped up in. Wrong. WhatI’vegot us wrapped up in.

Travis takes his time processing everything he’s being told. I let Jack take the lead, outlining to Travis what he told me. He’s saved witnessing the inhumanity of the girl’s body, but his reaction is the same as was mine. He lunges for Jack, his fists raised.

Managing to get my body in front of his, I push Travis back, both palms flat against his chest. The only reason I manage to move him the inch it takes for Jack to step out of the way, is because of his gunshot wound.

My mind suddenly struggles to comprehend losing Travis. As if getting a massive kick up the backside, I shove him harder, determined to make him see sense. “Enough!” I bark.

He stumbles, equally just as shocked that I managed to hold him off. “So, what are you suggesting?” Travis shouts throwing his arms up in the air, shaking me off. “How are we supposed to believe we have any fucking chance of shutting this down?”

“By getting inside,” Jack answers him. “We find their haul before you move it; then they have nothing to sell. We need to be ready before they confirm the next shipment.”

“The next shipment will come in a matter of days,” I fire back.

Jack shifts, scowling. “One man. You only need to risk one man.”Shit. He’s lost his fucking mind. “We have to get a man on the inside. Someone who can get a message back to us. We’re running out of time, Deano. And choices. We’re running out of choices.”

He’s panicking. Panicking he won’t get the man he so desperately needs for Linda. But what he’s asking? It’s too far-fetched. Too unrealistic to believe we could infiltrate Costa’s set up and bring an entire organisation down so soon. He knows all of us, has seen all of us.

“Getting a man inside will take time. Trust would need to be built.”