“I thought that’s what you say when you’ve put your foot in it?”
Jess laughs harder, banging her hand on the table. “Well, why didn’t you just saythat.Why’d you have to go bringing a woman’s vagina into it?”
Mum’s face drops so fast, I almost lose full control againwhen she realises. “A woman’s vagina? Jess, stop. I told you; I can’t take you anywhere.”
I wave my hands in front of me, a silent beg for her to stop talking. I’m saved from vaginas by my phone vibrating. I get my breathing under control as I read the screen.
Lauren: Hope you have a good night tonight. You need this x
I look down at my phone, smiling happily, still wiping my face.
Me: Thank you. Hope you had a good day? I’m sure we’ll be back first thing x
Lauren: No rush. Travis will be here later. We’re getting Chinese.
Me: No Die Hard x
Lauren: LOL. See you tomorrow x
I put my phone away, noticing I still haven’t heard from Mollie. Maybe I shouldn’t have text her. A jab of guilt stops my laughing as I contemplate what’s the right thing to do.
Half an hour later, Jess and Mum drop me off at the hotel I’m supposedly staying at tonight. Our shopping trip for baby things ended in disaster. We are still yet to buy one item. I already feel like the world’s worst mum. With thirteen weeks left to go, I should be more prepared.
“Looks fancy,” Jess says, walking to the boot of her car.
It does look rather grand for one night away. Hopefully he’ll be here soon. “What am I meant to do?”
“Don’t be so stupid,” Jess starts. “Go in there. Enjoy yourself. Run a hot bath, eat their fine food and rest. For the love of God, rest, Madison. Before the baby arrives, sleep as much as you can.”
I smile, appreciating that one small speck of freedom I still own.
Mum rests her hand on my shoulder, making me turn tolook at her. “I’m a call away, if you need to talk some more.”
“Thank you.” I hug her, holding her tight.
“Will you do me a favour, if you don’t mind me asking?” Both Jess and I look to her. “When you see your dad, please let him know you love him.”
“I do love him,” I rather defensively reply.
“I know you do, sweetheart. But men… they need to hear it. They need you to tell them over and over, otherwise they feel like they’re not needed. They’ll pull away rather than simply talk. Understand?” She’s not making excuses for my dad’s lack of communication, but she’s telling me to be mindful.
With that, I say my goodbyes and check into the hotel. I look out of place. No bag. No partner. Just me. I’m given a key, the room already paid for, and shown to our room. When I push the door open, the vast space has my jaw hitting the floor. Dean really pulled out all the stops.
A queen-sized bed with pure white sheets is to my left. A mini bar and a wall-mounted sixty-inch screen TV are to my right. I step into the room. Giant windows overlooking the city are dead ahead. They stretch from ceiling to floor, fine drapes hanging either side. Luxury.
“You have a massage booked in thirty minutes, Mrs Carter.”
The concierge looks like he’s seen a ghost. “You have a massage booked—”
“—No, what did you call me?”
Quizzical eyes take me in. “Mrs Carter. Apologies, that was one of the names on the booking.”
I stand, astonished. “Uh, no. Don’t apologise.” I just didn’t realise I’d gotten married. “Honestly, it’s fine.”