Word of my trip had made it to Australia somehow, so I had no choice but to meet with one of our European members recently. We were certain no one knew dates exactly, but due to our securing the port down south, Saviours would inevitably push back against us somehow.
If I didn’t feel the need to keep her close and keep her safe, I would have made this trip alone. Can’t let Rocco scare her off either.
Once we land, there’ll be no sightseeing or venturing far, we’ll stay with the club. Get business done and get home. It’s not an ideal first trip to Australia for her, but I won’t risk her leaving my side.
Mads yawns next to me, rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands. Maybe my revelation of how I’d hurt an old member last night had unnerved her. But she seemed to have accepted it better than I ever could have hoped for. She was more worried about my safety than her own.
Because she loves me.
I get her to her seat where she slumps down, already looking exhausted. We’re sat near the back of the plane, conveniently close to the toilet. She sighs, relieved when she sees how close they are. She told me she once tripped on someone’s foot, crashing to the floor and bloodying her nose the last time she flew. I couldn’t help but laugh. That small, clumsy part of her that I love so much is exactly the kind of escape I mean.
Her ridiculous fears are like breaths of fresh air to me.
A little old lady sits next to Mads. She’s already got her eyes shut, clearly not bothered about the flight unlike my girl.
Having strapped herself in, Mads grabs her bag off the floor. “Where are they?” she mumbles to herself.
“What are you looking for?”
“The headphones Jess let me borrow. I’m sure I put them near the top.”
Her bag is packed very neatly, everything accessible in the order she’ll need it.
She starts huffing and puffing, rooting through her things.
Then, she pulls out the small drawstring pouch I’d neatly stowed away under her purse back at the clubhouse. She has no clue what it is. Her cheeks blush, giving her tired face colour. I can see her mind racing. Her gaze travels to me.
“What is this?” she asks, loosening the drawstring.
“Just open it.”
“How did you get this in my bag?”
My eyes watch her hands.
“When you went to the toilet before we left. I saw your bag on the floor. I slipped it in.”
I’ve never been called that before. Fuck, I’m actually nervous when the bag opens, but they’re happy nerves more than anything.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Ipull out a necklace. It’s so dainty I can barely feel it in my hand. A small diamond sparkles at me as it catches the light. “It’s beautiful.”
VP smiles and says, “It was my mum’s.” The words pull my heart strings. Suddenly, the delicate necklace feels extremely heavy in my grasp.
“Is this not too precious to give to me?” I ask.
His lips stretch across his face, dropping his head as if he knew that would be my reaction. “No. You mean a lot to me, Mads. And she did too. I want you to wear it. Here, let me put it on you.”
I pass it to him and his strong hands fiddle with the small clasp, eventually managing to open it. I turn my head in my neighbour’s direction and drag my hair off my neck. Hooking it over my head, he closes the clasp behind me.
I don’t move.
The feel of his fingers lightly grazing my skin feels heavenly. Some of the stress I’m carrying from earlier fades away, slowly being forgotten.
But not altogether gone.