Page 95 of Straight to Me

He allows them to trail a small pattern across my neck. The concoction of chemicals released at his touch captures my body, blanketing it in warmth. Soft lips then gently kiss the back of my bare neck.

“I love you.” His warm breath lights up my centre. Turning to him, my hand cups his cheek, lightly stroking his dapper, peppered stubble.

I kiss him back, gently. “Thank you for the necklace.” He smiles, happily.

The captain’s voice comes over the tannoy speakers making us sit straight in our seats. When the plane begins to tear up the runway VP squeezes my hand.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine babe. Are you? You seem okay considering how worked up you were back at the clubhouse. I told you there was nothing to worry about, didn’t I?”

Right, I’d lied earlier about being frightened of flying. Rocco’s threat to have to leave upon our return suddenly smacks me in the face again.

My headphones are in, blocking out all noise of people snoring around me. My thoughts have been keeping me awake. Sneaking a peek at VP sleeping next to me, I see he’s breathing gently and peacefully.

After we’d eaten, I’d told him about my family and where they all are now. Obviously, he’d seen Bex and met Jess, but he seemed most interested in my dad’s lack of communication with me. I told him how it was normal for him to be standoffish, how he always worked really hard, but if truth be told, I’d always wished my dad was more invested in my life.

VP told me more about Rocco and the club and how they started up over in the UK. I listened for as long as I could, but the sound of Rocco’s name made me feel sick. Claiming I was tired, I pretended to need sleep so that we didn’t have to talk about him anymore.

Watching him sleep now, I can’t imagine not being able to see him every day. Rocco’s face keeps entering my thoughts though. I have no clue how to handle the situation. I feel myself flustering and fidgeting in my seat.

The little lady next to me taps me gently on the arm. She says something but I don’t catch a word of it. I can guess by the bag being pushed towards me. Removing my headphones, I take a sweet she kindly offers.

“Thank you,” I speak quietly, smiling as I pop it in my mouth.

“You’re welcome, dear,” she says, returning them to her tray. She can’t sleep either I suppose. “Can I give you some advice?” She turns her head against her seat to look at me and I wonder what she’s going to say. “Whatever’s troubling you, keeping you awake looking all worried, have faith in your intuition.”

All I do is fake a smile and nod. My gut feeling is that I’m no match for an outlaw MC president.

With that thought, I put my headphones back in and try to get some sleep.

Twelve hours later, we exit the plane. VP managed to sleep for most of the second half of the flight. I on the other hand got about five hours of broken sleep altogether. The only time my mind would settle was when VP would lift his arm slightly to let me snuggle in. The warmth from his body bringing me comfort, keeping the image of Rocco’s face at bay.

The heat as we walk off the plane, even at this early hour of three in the morning, is something I’m not used to. My whole body starts sweating profusely as we head towards the main exit doors.

It’s brutal. Even trying to breathe becomes more difficult as we step foot outside. VP holds my hand tight whilst my feet follow his, but exhaustion delivers a drained daze with it.

My mind drifts to a random to-do list; check that my money from the divorce has come through, email Alex to schedule another meeting with Lauren, remind everyone of my housewarming. I’m so preoccupied, I don’t realise a police car's pulled up just ahead of us.

When I do, two police officers step out of the vehicle.

VP stops dead in his tracks and my attention goes to him. One police officer shouts for us to stop where we are, keep our hands where he can see them.

VP looks to me. His body language remains calm. He’s relaxed under the growing pressure. I keep my focus on him, following his lead.

We don’t move a muscle until the officers stand directly in front of us. Only when they're close does my heart rate elevate.

One takes my arm, gently moving me towards the police car parked up ahead. Looking over my shoulder, VP still hasn’t moved, but his eyes are locked on me.

The officer with VP makes him remove his bag and turn with his hands behind his back. As I’m ushered into the back of the car, another police car pulls up, stopping quickly with a screech.

The door shuts in my face whilst I watch VP outside.

The officer from the newly arrived car gets out, heading towards VP. He’s as tall as him, if not taller. His tight, sky-blue shirt shows his defined muscles underneath. The navy shorts showing off his muscular legs. He’s obviously very athletic and strong. He walks with the same authority VP does, commanding the space around him. His hair is short, dark, and styled nicely at the top. His face is clean shaved, showing chiselled cheek bones that sit high on his face.

As he approaches VP, he walks to the other officer’s side. Taking a key from his shirt pocket, he removes the cuffs and hands them back. VP rubs his wrists whilst he turns around to face the officer.

In a weird turn of events, the old officers step aside. VP opens his arms and the new officer to the scene opens his too as they embrace. Pulling the door handle, I try to free myself from the back of the car, but it doesn’t open.