Page 53 of Straight to Me

“About four grand give or take,” I shrug.

She slightly chokes when she hears the price. Her eyes widen with shock. I can’t help but smile at her. Money isn’t an issue for me now. I don’t flaunt it, but it’s there. Whatever I earn mostly goes back into my bike.

“Okay, so maybe you pay it and I’ll pay you back. Sorry, VP.” She looks down, depleted. My hands cup her face towards me.

“I've got it, don’t stress.”

She smiles, the tension still in her body though. She pulls back, grabbing her phone to check the time.

“I better head off, got that meeting in the morning. Then I have to register with a doctor. I’ll be free from lunch if you are?”

Doctor? She climbs out of my bed.

“Everything okay?” I ask standing with her.

“Yeah, nothing’s wrong, just got to register with somewhere, that’s all.”

She tries to give me back my clothes, a Judas Priest t-shirt clearly too big for her and a pair of my tracksuit bottoms.

“Keep them, Mads.”

She smiles, obviously grateful for the comfort they bring. “You sure everything’s okay? I know we haven’t been, careful…” I put it out there.

Her eyes widen. Shit, maybe something is wrong. I should have been more sensible with her.

“VP.” Pausing, she looks scared before continuing. “Chris, my ex,” there’s that prick’s name again, “he left me after we tried for a year to have a baby. He must have been sleeping with the other woman when we were still married.”

I check her gaze and see pain reflected in her eyes. “We’ve been split for nearly five months now, but she’s nearer to seven months pregnant. I haven’t worried about us having sex, because clearly something is wrong with me in that department.”

Her words crush me. What arsehole leaves his wife when she can’t get pregnant? “Mads. Babies or no babies, I’ll love you unconditionally.” I’ve not considered ever having children but seeing it bother her, bothers me.

I walk to her and hold her head in my hands, she’s clearly upset but not crying. “What if one day you change your mind?” she asks.

Fuck.She doesn’t know her worth. I stroke her cheek, scrunching her hair in my fingers as her face is directed at me. I know she’s listening.

“My mum taught me to fill my life with experiences, not things,” I say quite calmly considering the rate at which my heart starts to thump my ribs. “She showed me that our mistakes and weaknesses don’t define us, but they’re a part of us.” Her eyes start to water as I talk. “I don’t want you for what you can give me, Mads. I want you because you are my fucking sunshine.”

A tear runs down her cheek and I wipe it away.

I gently place my lips on hers. She stands on her tiptoes, something she does often to get closer to me. Raw emotion then takes over her as her fingers lock into my hair. Every pull makes my cock lengthen towards her; a warm shudder shifts down my spine.

I lose my mind every time she does it.

This isn’t about fucking though; this is about her feeling loved. I pick her up easily and she naturally wraps her legs around me. Claiming her mouth, that hunger is growing, intensifying between us. Her hands pull at my shorts, mine lifting up my top that she’s wearing. Her skin feels smooth and radiates heat. Her bra-less chest now free for me.

Lying her flat on the bed, I keep our kiss delicate but passionate. Our tongues twist together as our hands travel all over each other. She takes off the tracksuit bottoms while I remove my shorts, freeing my cock for her wandering hands. The way she works me is tender. With every pump she tightens her grip on me.

Then my body consumes all of her.

She lets out a clutched moan as I push into her. Her back arches and her eyes roll to the back of her head. She’s always so ready for me.

I kiss her neck as she begins clawing at my back and I struggle not to burst when she wraps her legs around me, pulling me closer. I give her a long passionate kiss and drive as deep as our bodies will allow. “Dean,” she half whispers, half moans.

Nothing could beat the sound of my name escaping her ragged breath like it does.

I take her hands in one of mine, my body trembling as I hold them above her head. She meets each stroke I make, rolling her hips and my other hand encases her head, devouring her.

I start placing kisses all over her; her breasts, her neck, her lips, fuck, anywhere my mouth can find. I know she’s going to come when her breath runs wilder against my ear. She starts pleading with me to send her over the edge.