“You go clean yourself up, I’ll wait for you here.”
“Why don’t I meet you over there?” I say, pointing towards a slightly hidden area near the dance floor and away from where Travis might see us when he returns. Alex nods, smiling all the while as I head to the ladies'.
As I’m washing my hands, my annoyance with Dean won’t budge. His gesture of a much-needed night out was great, and I intended for the kiss in my text to show that I’m grateful. But what I’m not grateful for is his henchman telling me what he says I can and can’t do. That Travis was told I can’t drink too much. Who do they think they are to dictate that?
I send Dean a message.
Me: Just so you know, I can drink however much I want
Not even a minute later the phone starts ringing. I watch until it rings off.
VP: Answer the phone
Me: What gives you the right to tell me how much I can drink?
VP: I’m just looking out for you, clearly you’ve had enough
The pain in my heart hits back harder than it hurt before. Each time I think I’m okay with our set up, I realise it won’t work.
Me: Dean, I think that after tonight, it’s best if I go back to the flat.
VP: No
Me: Yes. I have to. This arrangement isn’t working for me. Time for us to move on.
VP: Move on?
Me: Call me crazy, but we’re not together anymore. And this living together but not being together is toxic. You can’t say you’re looking out for me when I’m not yours to look out for.
I wipe away the tears trying to leave my eyes and straighten myself out in the mirror, putting my phone away.
Walking back out to everyone I see Travis is back at the bar. I casually slip into the crowd to avoid him. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t spotted me.
“Better?” Alex asks, passing me my drink.
“Yes, thank you.” I accept the glass and after some light conversation, I scan for Jess and Bex. They're on the dancefloor still boogying the night away.
I turn back to Alex. “What changed?” he asks. I shake my head scrunching up my face. “You said you had plans tonight?”
“I do, I did. I’m out with my sister and friend from back home. She surprised me by coming up for the weekend. They’re over there, dancing.” I point them out to him. Bex sees me pointing and pretends to lasso me, pulling the pretend rope for me to join her.
“Looks like you’re wanted,” Alex laughs. Jess joins the pretend rope pulling making me laugh as well.
“Yeah, I should go. They won’t stop until I do.”
He leans in closer so I can hear him over the suddenly bass heavy song. His hand rests at the small of my back and I feel myself stiffen, slightly uncomfortable, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“Well, you have a good night. I’ll see you Monday.”
“Thanks Alex, I will. And thanks for the drink. Enjoy the rest of your evening and weekend.”
“Oh, Iwill.”
As I walk away, his comment makes me double take. He’s watching me, his dark eyes catching mine with a deep intensity as he takes a sip of his beer. I smile awkwardly as I turn back and reach Jess and Bex.
“Who’s that?” Bex shouts over the noise of the drum solo.
“Uh, that’s Alex from work.”