Page 155 of Straight to Me

Bex parked Jess's car not too far from the restaurant Jess and I had gone to the first night I moved up here. Travis arrived before we left, having called beforehand to see what our plans were. Now, he’s sitting outside on his bike, clearly having drawn the short straw babysitting me. Again. I don’t mind him being here, but surely he must feel like he could be doing a million other things right now.

For dinner, I gorge on the biggest bowl of spaghetti they offer and feel completely stuffed as we crack open the second bottle of wine. Catching up all together is exactly what I needed. I haven’t laughed as hard as I have tonight in weeks. All the problems that have hung over me recently have evaporated with these two around. Lovingly dissecting each other’s triumphs and mishaps, who needs therapy when you have friends and family who tell it like it is?

Afterwards, we walk to the old pub down the road, my vision slightly blurred by the alcohol. I feel weightless. Even though it hasn’t completely gone, the pain in my heart’s been numbed around the edges.

Walking beside Travis, we follow Jess and Bex who are linked arm in arm ahead. “Are you sick of it yet?” I chortle. Travis looks down at me, his eyes squinting questioningly. “Following me around, I mean?” He smiles, lighting a cigarette as we walk.

“What else would I be doing?”

I shrug my shoulders. “You must have friends outside the club? Like a girl… friend, perhaps?” He puts the lighter in his pocket eyeing me again.

“I have lots of girl-friends, Mads.” His smile is cheeky and slightly smug.

“I don’t mean the girls throwing themselves at you every night. I’m serious, there must be someone who you like more than just a one-night stand?”

He laughs. “Why would I want that?”

“What? Someone that cares for you? Oh, I don’t know… because it’s nice to feel wanted and loved.”

“Mads, no disrespect, but I’ve seen what that does to a man," my eyes snap to his, "besides, she’d just get jealous of my main lady.” Travis holds his hands over invisible handlebars and revs with a smirk. My smile fades, despite his joke.

The silence that falls between us feels more uncomfortable than before due to the things left unsaid. After another minute I walk quicker to catch up with Jess and Bex.

We make it to the old pub, the sound of instruments playing inside making us dance before the doorman allows us past. Travis opts to come inside with us, grabbing a stool near the bar as we immediately head to where the band are playing.

It’s only half nine, but the place is packed. After twenty minutes of dancing to some 80s classics, I make my way to the bar to where Travis is still sitting.

“You seem happy,” he huffs. I’m guessing he’s had enough of watching me by now.

“I am!” I reply, dancing on the spot as the band start a Fleetwood Mac medley. “You should come dance, cheer up a bit!” His laugh is raucous, thundering up to the sky.

“There’s a better chance of pigs fucking flying, Mads. Anyway, Dean said you’re not supposed to have too much to drink, so I’m already going to get an ear full from him later." My feet immediately stop dancing. "Glass of water!” he shouts to the barman, nodding his head in my direction.

“What?” I ask abruptly. Heat flushes my cheeks. I know I promised I wouldn’t get into the same state I did the night with the smiler. But tonight was Dean’s idea. “I can drink however much I want to.”

His face hardens. “Don’t be a pain in the arse, Mads. I said I’d make sure you were safe. I think you’ve had enough.”

“I think you need to go suck a dick, Travis.” The way he looks at me suggests he hasn’t had a woman talk to him like that in alongtime. “Also, you can tell Dean I can do what I want. He doesn’t own me and I’m a fucking adult.”

I’ve gone from happy-go-lucky to infuriated in a second. “I’m going for a smoke,” Travis says, as he stands walking to the beer garden.

I grab my bag off the bar and turn to walk back to the girls, instead I end up crashing into a man talking to his friends. “Shit!” I shout as the man’s drink spills down my top. The cold sensation makes me freeze on the spot stunned. I look down, embarrassed and still angry.

“You’ve got to stop doing that.” Looking up, I see I’ve bumped into Alex. He smiles. He’s right, if I’m not bumping into him with a supermarket trolley, I’m literally trying to walk right through him.

“I’m so sorry!” I shake my hands that are dripping with beer. Alex reaches towards the bar grabbing napkins from the holder.

“Don’t worry, here take these,” he laughs. Taking the napkins, I start dabbing at the beer running down to my bra.

“I can’t believe I did that.”

“I’m used to it with you.” Our eyes meet and his face takes on a look of fondness. But that could just be the alcohol. Blinking my eyes quickly, I nervously open my bag finding my purse.

“Let me get you another drink,” I offer.

“Don’t be daft, I’ll get it, what would you like?” He smiles, taking his wallet from his pocket.

Checking Travis is still outside, I accept Alex’s offer and choose a glass of wine.