Page 141 of Straight to Me

“Yeah, I have myself to blame for that, I know.” We stare at one another before my phone rings from my bag. Avoiding the sick pile, I reach for it, seeing the caller ID.

“Alex, hi.”

Dean’s face hardens, his expression one of sheer disgust. I sit in my car, leaving the door open, no longer facing the moody outlaw and roll my eyes.

Alex’s voice is friendly as he says, “Mads, Vivian’s arranged for some training for you tomorrow afternoon. I know it’s last minute, but it could be really beneficial.”

“Okay, what time?”

“It starts at two, shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours.”

I massage my temple with my free hand. “Yeah, sure, I’ll be there. Just text me where to go.”

“Well, it’s at the school so nice and easy.”

“Perfect. Thanks Alex.”


Closing my eyes, I hold my phone to my forehead, exhausted. “Alex has your number now?” Keeping my eyes shut tight, I throw my phone on the passenger seat, then shut my door on him. “Wait!”

Looking to him through my window, he doesn’t move until I lower it a small amount. It had crossed my mind to just jam the key in the ignition and drive away. “You drive straight home; I’ll be right behind you.”

Without any acknowledgment, I close the window, starting the engine. Putting on my seatbelt, I watch him do up his helmet, giving him just enough time to start up the bike before I pull away.

I still don’t know what exactly is going on. But if anything’s going to happen, I can’t help admitting that I’m glad he’ll be close by if it does.

Back at my flat, he follows me up to my door and scopes a spot for him to sit and sleep.

“So, your plan is to just sit out here until something bad happens?”

“You didn’t give me another option.”

“I don’t need you to stay, Dean. In fact, I thought the whole point of ending things between us was to protect me, so why do I need you here. If we’re not together, what does it matter?”

He doesn’t say a word. The realisation that leaving me changed absolutely nothing. “Mads, it’s for the best,” he says as if he’s trying to convince himself he did the right thing.

“Best for you,” I correct him. Unlocking the door, I don’t look back as it closes behind me.

He waits outside for two hours like an uninvited vampire, unable to cross the threshold to my home. I run a hot bath for myself, then change into my thick fleece pyjamas and dressing gown. Feeling relaxed with my feel-good playlist on shuffle, I fill the kettle and send him a text.

Me: Tea?

VP: No, Kat’s made me one thanks

Kat? I walk over to the door and open it. Dean sits to one side on the floor, a cup of tea already in his hands. “Hey,” he smiles looking pleased with himself.

“Dean, did you want anything else?” Kat comes strutting out of her place. “Oh Madison, hi. Sorry, I couldn’t stand to see this lovely man go any longer without being allowed in.”

“How kind of you,” I say confused.

Dean stands, brushing his hands against his jeans. “Here.” He passes her his unfinished mug. “Thanks for the tea and biscuits.” She smiles, almost sad that he’s leaving her.

Turning to me, with Kat watching on, he waits for me to bail him out. His eyebrows raise expectantly, pleadingly. “Would you like to come in?” I ask after a moment enjoying his discomfort.

“Thanks.” His smile is soft, warm. Maybe some time sat alone has changed his attitude?

I nod goodbye to Kat who looks upset that I’ve completely screwed up her evening's plans. “Did you want another drink?” I ask, shutting the front door and walking past him.