“Things are dangerous, Mads. I can’t risk you getting hurt again! You’re my everything.”
My eyes well like the fool that I am for allowing myself to come here. I shouldn’t have come. His thumb strokes my cheek seeing my tears form.
Mustering the energy to speak, I look into his eyes. “I’m not your anything anymore.” A lone tear escapes. Letting go of my face slowly, he steps back a fraction, giving me some space. I wipe my eye clear of emotion.
Dean looks down and rubs his head frustrated, but no longer angry.
“Will you let me take you home?”
“No.” He shakes his head, but his lip twitches like he knew I’d say that. “I’ll drive myself.” I grab my keys out of my bag. His eyes stare at them.
“Will you agree to a compromise?” he asks.
“Depends on what you want.”
The corner of his mouth lifts.
“Let me stay at yours, so I can make sure you’re okay?”
“Dean, I’m not sure that’s—”
“I don’t have to come in, I’ll sit in the hall,” he cuts me off. “If that’s what it takes.”
I still don't think this is a good idea. “Fine.”
We leave the room together and walk back into the crowded main room. Under normal circumstances, he would have held my hand. So much has happened since the last time I was here.
Pushing past a few people, we meet Travis sat at the bar. “You two made up yet?” Dean’s eyes narrow, his brow scrunching on his head. “Take that as a no,” he smiles as he sips his pint.
“I’m taking Mads home.”
“What?” Travis turns on his stool to face Dean. “Rocco won’t have it.”
“What won’t I have?” Rocco appears from nowhere, startling the three of us. When he sees me, his face drops, eyes darkening. “I thought she was long gone?” He focuses on Dean with those eyes.
Needing to get away, I start walking to the door. “Don’t worry, I’m going. You got what you wanted.” I don’t look behind, but I just about catch Dean asking him what I’m talking about.
Banging the door open, I break into a run to my car. As I get closer, the ground shakes underneath me, my vision blurs as I try to reach it. My stomach tightens aggressively and I hold my now aching ribs as I take the last few steps.
I unlock my car and manage to open the door before I empty the contents of my stomach all over the tarmac. “Mads, Jesus Christ!” Dean runs to me, gathering my hair and lightly stroking my back as I puke.
“I’m fine,” I spew, just before another wave finds it’s exit.
“You look it.”
Wiping my mouth on my sleeve, I stand leaning into my car for my bottle of water. The sight of Rocco had sent me into a spin. “Sorry, not sure what came over me.” He looks me over, my gaze never catching his as I get the water down.
“You going to be okay to drive?”
“I’ll be fine,” I snap, not wanting him to fuss.
“Right.” He grabs his cigarettes from his pocket. “Mads, what did you mean when you said Rocco got what he wanted?”
“Dean, it’s nothing.” Again, he looks me over before lighting his cigarette. I don’t want to tell him about the threat Rocco made a few weeks ago. What did it matter now anyways?
“There’s something you’re not telling me. Something’s not been right between you and him since we got together. What is it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about and we’re not together Dean.”