Page 11 of Sinner's Mercy

Vicious leaned forward. “While I’ve never met the woman, I agree with Malice and Fury. I’m not killing a brother’s woman. If Largo is in trouble, she’s going to need our help.”

In a display of intense fury, Montana let out a roaring scream. “She walked away from this club! As far as I’m concerned, the bitch doesn’t deserve our help.”

Gritting my teeth, I growled and got right in his face.

“Fuck you, Montana. You owe my wife and you fucking know it. Your own wife did a fucking runner, and we still welcomed her home. Why do you hate my wife so much? She left me, not you!”

“Because she didn’t just leave you!” Montana shouted, his voice filled with frustration, anger and pain. “She left me too! I loved that bitch. Treated her like a fucking sister. I never denied her anything. Would have given her the fucking world if she’d asked. She could have come to me. I would have listened. Instead, she just fucking left. Left all of us!”

It was in that instant I knew Largo wasn’t just my wife.

She was the heart of this club. The one every brother turned to, respected, loved. None more so than Montana, who took her disappearance hard. Although I was aware of his affection for my wife, I never fully comprehended the profound extent of his devotion towards her. She caused him a lot of hurt and disappointment by abandoning both him and the club. Looking around the room at all my brothers, I could see it on their faces. They were hiding their pain. Her departure had consequences that extended beyond just me—all of us were affected by it.

The board voted.

They made their decision.

Gathering my bag, I placed it on my desk, unzipping it, ignoring the brooding man watching me. I understood my wife’s actions hurt him. We were all hurt, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

Me, Malice, and Fury were going to find Largo, bring her back to the clubhouse and insist she tell us what the hell was going on.

More importantly, why was she running and from whom?

It was something I should have done from the start.

I knew my wife. She hadn’t wanted a divorce. I’d seen the indecision in her eyes many times, but something forced her hand. When I found out what that was, I was going to remove the threat to her and claim what was mine again. All this time, I’d sat by and done nothing. That was on me. But no more. I was done with this shit.

One decision destroyed three lives: mine, hers, and our daughter’s.

Enough was enough.

“You sure you don’t want me to go?”

Nodding my head, I replied, “Yeah. I get how you feel, Montana, but you’d only be in the way. You said it yourself. You love Largo like a sister. I can’t have you going off half-cocked and making things worse. Face it, you have a nasty temper when it comes to those you care about.”

“So do you.”

“True, but she is my wife. If anyone can get through to her, it will be me.”

“It’s been three years, man. If you haven’t gotten through to her before, what makes you think you will now?”

“Tonight, at the hospital, when she kissed me, it was like the past had never happened. I could see the pain and fear in her eyes. She may not have said anything, but her body did. She wants me to find her and bring her home. She needs me, Montana. I’m thinking she’s been trying to tell me something all this time, that she was in trouble, but I was too angry to see it.”

“What if you’re wrong?”

“Then I’m wrong, but I’m not going to let the mother of my daughter die because I didn’t try. You’d do the same for Tess and you know it.”

“You’re right. I would.”

“Ready,” Fury said, walking into my office, bag in hand. “Vicious will let the girls know I will be away for a few days. He and Linsey will keep them busy.”


I forgot about Fury and his daughters.

Three little girls, who lost their mother because some bitch wanted Duchene International, were now wards of Linsey Duchene Van Otto, their aunt. Together with Vicious and Fury, the three of them had formed some kind of co-parenting group and it was working. I’d never seen such well-adjusted girls before. They were happy, loved, and protected.

I hated taking him away from his girls.