Page 10 of Sinner's Mercy

“Then how did they open the doors?” Vicious asked.

“That’s what the police want to know. Furthermore, let’s not forget about Landon, who allegedly got ejected from the vehicle, despite the fact that the windows of the vehicles remained undamaged. While he suffered injuries from the crash, the killing blow was to his head. The police found four bags in the trunk, belonging to the Finns’. Mercy, there was a bag for Largo as well. The NYPD has classified the accident as a homicide and is now actively searching for Largo. They believe she is in danger.”

Stiffening, I dared not move.

Every instinct inside me screamed out to go find my wife.

Whatever was happening, she was in danger.

The mother of my daughter.

The woman I never stopped loving.

“Where is Largo now?” Montana asked, eyeballing me.

“No clue.” Shame sighed. “I’ve checked all her normal haunts, but nothing. Even the apartment she had in Chinatown is vacant. I don’t know where else to look.”

Montana leaned back in his chair, glaring at me. “Well, you gonna make me say it or are you going to man the fuck up and do the right thing, because this shit has gone on long enough?We all know you still love that woman and we’ve respected your privacy when things went south, but this shit changes things and you fucking know it. Largo knows things about this club. Shit that could hurt the club if it ever got into the wrong hands. Hate this for you, brother, but if she’s in trouble, we can’t take the chance she gets picked up by the wrong people.”

I knew what he was referring to.

So did Malice, who growled menacingly at Montana.

When it came to the Soulless Sinners Motorcycle Club, there were several different components that made up its essence. While it was true that the club made numerous positive impacts on communities worldwide, it was important to note that the Soulless Sinners MC was primarily a biker club. From an external perspective, the club seemed to be quite generous because they contributed millions to charities; charities that coincidentally were owned by the majority of us. Whenever a community was in need of support, we were always the first ones to show up. In a world where money was the language spoken by all, we found ourselves as business owners and prominent figures. We employed thousands of people around the world. We maintained a carefully curated image that we wanted the world to see.

But it wasn’t the whole truth.

The Soulless Sinners MC was a one percenter club.

This club stood as a symbol of the remarkable resilience and dedication displayed by the individuals who poured their blood, sweat, and tears into its formation.

Too bad it wasn’t us.

The fact was, this club was only as big as it is because we took what others built. Over the last few years, this club has expanded in three states, two countries, and two months ago, the Soulless Sinners opened their doors in Cape Town, Africa. The first club on the African continent.

The club was expanding at an exponential pace.

I’d warned Montana that growing the club too fast would bring attention to us, but he’d refused to listen. He wanted a fucking dynasty. A legacy he could hand down to his son. He didn’t give a shit that we built the legacy on a lie. And now, my wife was about to become the next victim.

Fuck Montana and fuck this club.

I wouldn’t allow that.

Getting to my feet, I shook my head.

“I won’t say it. I don’t care what you all think of me. I will not order the death of my wife.”

Montana leaned forward. “That’s just it, Mercy. She’s not your wife anymore.”

“She is to me. Just because we’re not legally married anymore doesn’t mean I stopped loving her or wanting her. I know you all are worried. I’m worried too, but this is Largo we’re talking about. The mother of Sophia. The same woman who has been there for several of you at one time or another. Fuck, Montana, Largo stepped up, no questions asked, when you went off the rails after Tess ran. My wife nursed your drunken ass back to reality. Didn’t complain once. Malice, you know damn well it was Largo who never left your side when your father showed up at the Foundation Ball. If it wasn’t for my wife, your ass would be in prison. Fury, how many times has my wife gotten you out of a jam with whatever piece you were fucking? She’s been here for all of it and she never complained once. And now, because she’s in trouble and running, you want me to give the order for her death? Fuck that and fuck all of you if you do this.”

“She knows everything, Mercy.”

Looking at my president, I narrowed my eyes. “And whose fucking fault is that? You used my wife’s kindness, generosity, and connections on more than one occasion to get what you wanted and now you want to punish her for it? I don’t think so.”

“Not killing Largo,” Malice growled, crossing his arms over his broad chest; a small part of me sighed in relief at his defiance.

“Me either,” Fury added cautiously. “I say we find her and bring her in. Find out what the fuck is happening and go from there.”