Page 51 of Reaching Limits

“Cole, wait,” Wade calls out as I slam the door behind me and get in my truck.

I drive toward the bar getting madder at myself for taking out my hurt on Savannah earlier. None of what happened was her fault, she was only trying to help my family by going to that stupid address. I can’t blame her for being pissed at me, but she’s gonna have to learn to be a little more savvy on how she decides to punish me. I can give her space, but I cannot deal with the thought of her being in danger.

I pull up outside the bar and when I see Maisie’s truck, I march inside, searching around for her and seeing no trace.

“Can I help you, sweetheart?” a blonde with no flesh on her bones and sunken cheeks rests her arm on my shoulder.

“I’m looking for this girl.” I take out my phone and show her the selfie that Savannah took of herself and made my screen saver.

“I ain’t seen her, hunny, but I got a red wig in my room if that's your thing.” Her laugh gives me a glimpse of her rotten teeth and I quickly move on.

“How about you, you seen this girl?” I grab one of the truckers sitting at the bar.

“Matter of fact, I have. Hard to forget an ass like hers.” I want to punch this fucker in his face, but he has information that I need so it can wait.

“She was in here a few hours ago. I remember thinking it was strange.”

“What…? What was strange?” I grip his shirt tighter and force him to focus.

“Well, first off she came in here dressed all casual, ya know, jeans and cute little boots. But she left lookin’ hella different.” He laughs despite the fact I’ve got him by his collar.

“What kinda different?” I ain’t got the patience for this.

“She left here lookin’ like a lady. One who don’t belong in a joint like this. Had her hair all done and a tight blue dress on.”

“She left?” I drop him and march back out to the parking lot, if she left why is the truck still here? I try the door but it’s locked and all I can see is a backpack on the passenger seat. Taking out my phone I call Zayne, hoping he can help.

“You can track phones right?” I barely give him the chance to answer.

“I can do my best,” he responds.

“I’m sending you a number, it’s turned off or outta signal but…”

“If it’s switched off I won’t be able to get a track. But that girl who your uncle Jimmer speaks highly of, I’ll bet she has the software to do it.”

“I haven’t got her number and I haven’t got time,” I growl in frustration, kicking the truck’s tire.

“Give me the number and I’ll do what I can while you speak to Jimmer,” Zayne tells me, and I hang up the phone and quickly send him the number before I head back to the ranch.

I don’t know what Savannah’s been playing at, but the fact she’s gone above and beyond to hide it from me proves it can’t be good.

“The Mountain Spring Resort is the last place the phone was active,” Jimmer’s VP tells us when he gets off the phone from his techy girlfriend.

“Shit.” I throw my fist at the porch rafter when everything starts making sense. Garrett must have caught up with me because he starts to look worried too.

“Cole, wait,” he warns me when I immediately start heading back to my truck.

“This ends today, Garrett.” I point my finger at him before I skid out of the yard toward the Mountain Spring Resort so I can tear off some heads.

I make the half-hour drive in twenty minutes and park up right out front of the fancy glass doors. I ain’t here to play games so I barge past the valet, pull out my gun, and point it straight at the man behind reception.

“I’m looking for Harvey Marston.” His eyes double in size, and when he flicks his eyes toward the woman standing beside him she looks equally as petrified.

“Sir if you could just…”

“Room number.” I click back the safety to let ‘em know I'm serious.

“Penthouse suite.” She blinks back tears as I nod my head gratefully and lower my weapon. I figure I don’t have much time before the cops arrive, as I storm toward the elevator. When I get to the penthouse suite, I bust the lock on the door when I kick it through and find Harvey lying on his bed with his shirt undone and a whiskey in his hand.