Page 50 of Reaching Limits

“Does she need birthing classes, ain’t she already done it?” Wade looks confused.

“She had a real shock with her first. Did you know she never even knew she was pregnant? This time she wants a home birth,” Leia informs everyone.

“How the hell does someone not know they’re preg?—”

“I’m gonna call her.” I cut Maisie off. I’ve tried to be cool and I don’t want to be overbearing, but I can’t shake off the feeling that something is wrong. Taking out my cell I flick to Savannah’s number and call. Then when it goes straight to the answer machine, I slam it on the table. “What’s the point in her having a damn phone?”

“Maybe she’s out of signal, or her battery died.” Maisie plays it down and shrugs her shoulders.

“Or maybe she’s still pissed at me for how I acted earlier.” I think out loud and it seems to get everyone’s attention.

“C’mon, you all know what I’m like,” I admit. “I yelled at her over something, but I apologized.”

“Oh, well, that makes everything okay then,” Leia pipes up again and I don’t miss the discrete shake of the head that Wade gives her.

“Look, she seemed fine when I spoke to her earlier. I don’t think she’s mad at you. She’s just at the guesthouse helping Fiona and…”

“You could track Maisie’s truck.” Garrett interrupts his wife and the look she gives him is borderline deadly.

“Garrett, we agreed on this. That is not what the trackers are for,” she reminds him firmly.

“I like that idea.” I ignore her and open the app on my phone, waiting for it to load.

“Garrett, you said those trackers were for emergencies.” The tone of Maisie’s voice gets more and more irate, and it makes me wonder if she knows more about where Savannah is.

“This is an emergency, darlin’, she ain’t here in time for dinner,” Garrett points out, and I couldn’t agree more.

“You men are unbelievable.” Leia slams down her napkin and storms out the room, making Uncle Jimmer and his friends exchange an awkward look.

“Babe, come back,” Wade calls after her helplessly, we all have had to deal with her being over-sensitive lately, but he’s really been getting the blunt force of it.

“Are you gonna talk some sense into your brothers?” Maisie looks at Wade, expecting some support. Those two always have been on the same page.

“Sorry, Mais, I’d be doin’ the exact same thing if it was Leia,” he admits. Garrett nods at him proudly, then quickly drops his smile when his wife turns her attention back to him.

“Jessie, Troj.” She looks at our guests.

“Sorry.” My uncle’s VP, Jessie, shrugs his shoulders while Troj scratches his jaw.

“Jimmer, would you be happy for Nyx to track Ella this way?”

“Darlin’, I’d be helping him.” Uncle Jimmer makes no apologies for his answer.

“I get that you're all worried at the moment, and I understand that we’ve all been through a lot, but we have to start living normal lives. Our husbands and boyfriends shouldn't be tracking us. Savannah won’t stand for it. You’ll push her away.” Maisie is looking at me now. “She never gave us a time that she’d be back and she shouldn’t have to. She spent her whole life in LA being told how to behave, you…”

“She’s at a bar.” I cut Maisie mid rant when the GPS picks up her truck at a bar on the outskirts of town that nobody decent ever goes to.

“Oh.” Maisie looks dumbfounded and her cheeks blush as she snatches the phone out of my hand to check for herself.

“Well maybe she needed to unwind after work.” She continues to make excuses.

“Cahoots is right across the street from the guest house,” Wade points out. “Why wouldn’t she have just gone there?”

“She can hardly go back in there after what happened with the River Boys… and this is exactly what I mean…wait, where are you going?” Maisie chases after me as I pick up my hat and head toward the door.

“As if you have to ask.” Garrett laughs at her.

“This is not a joke, Garrett. This is my friend trying to have a normal life and being railroaded by all your Carson alpha craziness.” I let Maisie’s words sink in, but they still don’t stop me. She can call it alpha craziness all she wants. It ain’t like there’s no cause for it. I don’t want my girl in some tacky bar where truck drivers go to get their dick sucked. I know for a factthe owner runs girls out of that place and I swear if one of those fuckers mistakes my girl for one of ‘em, he’ll be sucking on his own dick.