Page 25 of Reaching Limits

“Why don’t you show Cole our latest ultrasound picture.” Leia starts fumbling around in her purse until she finds it, then passes it to him to place on the table in front of me. I lean across and pick it up trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be looking at.

“We could have found out the sex but Leia wants a surprise,” Wade explains. “I’m sure I can see a thing though.”

“What thing?” I keep my eyes focused on the grainy image in front of me.

“You know, a thing.” He raises his eyebrows before snatching the picture out of my hand and pointing at it. “There, look, right between its legs.”

“Those are legs?” I tilt my head.

“Yes, Cole, they are legs, and that right there is very clearly a fuckin’ thing.”

“I can’t see it, he must take after you.” I snigger at him and when he snarls back at me, I take another swig from my bottle.

I rest back into the chair and do my best to focus on the film that Leia’s put on for us to watch. It’s no use though, all I can think about is Savannah and what she might be doing right now. I know the way Leonard Mason works, he’s a player and the thought of him being the next man who touches her makes me wanna rip his cock off and feed it to the back of his throat.

“You want anything from the kitchen?” Wade gets up.

“Nah, I’m headin’ back to the Line Camp.” I stand up myself when the image of them becomes too much for my head to cope with. I don’t care what warning I got from Garrett, I need to check Savannah’s not in any danger. Garrett and Maisie will be far too busy working the room to be keeping an eye on her.

“Oh no you don’t. You ain’t leaving here ‘til they get back,” Wade warns me.

“That’s ridiculous. I’m outta here.” I aim for the door.

“No.” Wade stands in my way with a firm look on his face. “We both know that if you leave here, you're gonna head for that dance. You're gonna get all alpha asshole over Savannah and end up beating the hell outta Mason.”

“That’s a real cool story, Wade, why don’t you tell it to your baby?” I smile at him sarcastically before stepping around him.

“Hey, it’s proven fact that after twenty-five weeks?—”

“It’s a proven fact that you’re an idiot.” I step out the door and head for my truck and when he races out after me, I turn around and stare him in the face.

“I promise I’m not gonna make any trouble.” I glare at him, letting him know that I ain’t gonna back down. I haven’t quite figured out how I’m gonna stick to that promise if I get there andsee Leonard with his hands on her, but I do know that I can’t just sit here anymore thinking about it.

“Cole.” My brother's eyes are begging for me not to get in the truck.

“I’m sorry but I gotta.” I let him see a little of my weakness before I turn my back on him, open my truck door, and head for that fuckin’ barn dance.

Ipretend to listen to Leonard as he tells me more about himself. I’ve never heard anyone be quite as fascinated in themself as he is.

The old barn that’s right on the edge of town looks great. It’s been decorated inside with hay bales that the Carsons provided, and everyone in town seems to have made the effort and got dressed up. I glance across the room at Garrett, who still looks pissed off about what we saw on the way here, then to Maisie, who’s sharing the same bored look as me while she talks to two of the women who introduced themselves to her earlier as members of the town council.

“You should come watch me some time, I think you’d be impressed.” Leonard snaps me out of my thoughts when he nudges my arm.

“I’ve seen you ride, that day when you went head-to-head with Wade.” I remind him of the time Wade handed him his ass in front of everyone.

“You need more punch. I’ll get us some.” He looks annoyed as he quickly snatches the glass from my hand and rushes off to the drinks table.

“Thought you’d be dancing.” The low gruff in the voice that comes from behind me makes my chest flutter like it’s caging athousand butterflies and when I spin on my heels and see that it is indeed Cole, my breath catches in my throat.

“Cole Carson, living and breathing.” I do my best to hide my shock as I smile at him.

“What are you talkin’ about?” He shakes his head like I've agitated him already.

“You said I couldn’t get ya here dead, and yet here you are, pulse and everything.”

“Stop being clever, Red.” He looks unimpressed by my attempt at humor.

“Sorry, it comes naturally.”