Page 24 of Reaching Limits

I arrive just in time to see Garrett, Maisie, and Savannah leave for the dance. Savannah is looking adorable and sexy as sin at the same time, with her red hair plated each side of her head, and the gingham skirt she’s wearing thats far too fuckin’ short in my opinion. She’s got on those cowgirl boots that drive me wild, and it takes all my strength to walk past her without touching her.

“You guys look amazing.” Leia makes herself comfortable on the couch.

“And trust you to show up now that all the hard work is done.” Her eyes flick to me.

“What you talkin’ about?” I fail to see how I could have done something wrong already.

“All three babies are bathed and in bed. Wade’s up there reading them a bedtime story,” she informs me, looking as if she wants to stab me with something blunt and watch me bleed out.

“Ain’t they a little young for stories?” I slam the four-pack I bought with me on the coffee table where she’s propped up her feet.

“Children are never too young for bedtime stories, he’s even started reading to our little one.” She strokes her bulging stomach proudly.

“I didn’t even know he could read.” I hit back, pulling a beer from the pack and resting myself in the armchair. I do my best not to look in Savannah’s direction. I’m determined to show her that I don’t care what she does, that and the fact my instinct to pin her to the wall and kiss the color off her red-painted lips is chipping away at me real good.

“Come on, Garrett, we’re gonna be late,” Maisie calls out to the office and when Garrett steps out, my mouth drops open.

“What the fuck is this?” I look him up and down as I sit forward and place down my beer. “Is that a fringe on the shoulders of your fuckin’ shirt?” I check.

“Shut up, Cole, we’re going to a barn dance and this is authentic,” Maisie defends him, adjusting the red bandana he has tied around his neck that matches her skirt.

“Maisie, take it from a guy who spends half his life in a barn, that is not authentic.” I shake my head in disappointment at my brother.

“It’s fun,” Savannah pipes up. “But I guess you wouldn't know much about that, would you?” she adds with a touch of sass as she tilts her head at me.

“Okay… lets go.” Maisie jumps into action, spinning her friend around by her shoulders and forcing her toward the door. “Leia, if you need anything, and I meananything,call. I have my cell.” She picks up her hat and places it on her head as she continues to push Savannah out the house.

“They’re gonna be fine. Have a great night,” Leia calls after her

“I don’t know, maybe it’s too soon for me to…” Maisie rushes back inside looking doubtful.

“Come on, cowgirl, we got a date,” Garrett interrupts her before she can finish, lifting her off her feet and carrying her out the door. I reach across the table to retake my beer and the door opens again. This time it’s Garrett that pokes his head around it.

“Seriously though, check ‘em every half hour and call if there's a problem.”

“Get the fuck outta here, Jonny Cash.” I shake my head and turn my attention toward Leia, who’s doing her best not to laugh.

“Jonny Cash is actually a legend,” Leia informs me as soon as the door closes again.

“So’s my brother.” I shrug my shoulders.

“You know, that's one of the nicest things I’ve ever heard you say,” she tells me with a real serious look on her face.

“Yeah, remember it well, things like that don’t come around too often.”

“All three of ‘em are fast asleep.” Wade looks proud of himself as he comes down the stairs and fist-bumps his girlfriend. Then helping himself to one of my beers, he slumps himself on the couch beside her.

“Good job.” She reaches across to kiss him.

“Having one baby is gonna be easy as hell,” he tells her with a cocky grin on his face.

“Don’t count your chickens, Wade Carson, they aren’t mobile yet. And your mom told me that when you were a toddler you never kept still.” The expression on Wade’s face changes when she mentions Mom, and Leia immediately recognizes her error.

“I’m sorry, I was…”

“Can we talk about summit else?” I cut her off. I’d rather think about Leonard Mason parading Savannah around in front of the whole damn town than think about her. I see mom’s face every damn night. I hear her voice, begging me not to pull the trigger. That bitch still haunts me even in death.

“Good idea.” Wade seems to appreciate my interference.