Page 52 of Reaching Limits

“Where is she?” I race toward him, pinning him to the mattress by his throat.

“Where’s who?” He looks startled, maybe even fearful, and he should be. I have no issue with killing this man and dealing with the consequences after.

“Cole!” Garrett and Wade barge through the door after me, followed closely by Uncle Jimmer, Jessie, and Troj, all of them with worried looks on their faces.

“This was the last place she had her phone. He knows where she is,” I yell at my brother while holding my gun to Harvey’s temple. This fucker who’s been screwing with my family for months don’t look so confident now that he’s squirming like a worm.

“Cole, you're never gonna find her if you shoot him.” Garrett steps forward cautiously. “Give me the gun and we’ll talk about this. I swear if he’s hurt her. I’ll kill him myself.” There’s a warning in my brother’s tone as his eyes focus on Harvey.

“No.” I press the barrel deeper into his skull. “I’m sick of this shit, Garrett. This ain’t us.”

“I… I don’t know who you’re talking about. I swear,” Harvey whimpers.

“I don’t give a fuck about your organization. Marston. I will kill every man associated with it. Tell me where the fuck she is!” I yell at him.

“Cole, I don’t know who you’re talkin’ about.” He repeats, his eyes flicking between me and all the other men in the room frantically.

“Savannah, she was here, and now she’s missing,” I hiss at him through my teeth, feeling all the rage shaking my hands. “You thought you can take her to make sure we all play ball. You came here to fuck up my family and I’m telling you we’re done with your bullshit.”

“I don’t have a Savannah or any other girl. That's not my style,” he assures me.

“So why ya here? Why is this town so important to you?” My uncle Jimmer steps forward, leaning over and looking Harvey Marston straight in his petrified eyes. “It’s time to speak up, because I have every reason to believe that my nephew will shoot you and no reason right now to stop him.”

“Kendall.” The name comes out of his mouth and he looks furious with himself.

“Kendall, who the fuck is that?” Garrett steps forward looking confused.

“She’s my daughter, an innocent seventeen-year-old girl who has no idea what shit her daddy’s got mixed up in,” he sighs, not seeming bothered by the gun I’m holding to his head anymore.

“Your daughter died in that same accident your wife did.” I prove to him how much I know.

“She didn’t die in the accident that killed my wife. The organization felt responsible for it and they helped me make it look like she did. Sarah’s death was covered up, in fact, they made it seem like she never even existed, and me and my daughter got a new start. New names. New location. Not that it made any difference.”

“You’re talkin’ shit.” I look at all the suckers that are buying his story. “His wife's car was hit by a drunk driver. Noah’s dad.” I bring them up to date.

“I never denied that, there’s more to that story. Much more. But you asked why Fork River is important, and I’m telling you the truth. Clio is still alive, her name is Kendall now, and she’s the reason.”

I drop the gun from his head and take a step back, because I’ve seen enough men lie, to separate one from the truth. This man is hurting and he’s scared, not just of me and the gun I’m holding either.

“Like I said, we were given a new life. Kendall doesn’t know who I am, she doesn’t know who she is. She was too young to remember anything about the accident.”

“Did the accident happen here?” Garrett shakes his head, trying to make sense of everything.

“No, this town isn’t where it happened. I’m not here on any kind of vendetta. But I need this town and I need people I can trust for her.” He looks around the room at men he’s been blackmailing for months as if he expects us to be those people.

“Why?” Garrett takes a seat on the fancy couch by the window and narrows his eyes at him. I can tell by the way Harvey’s chest sags that he doesn’t wanna tell us, so I nudge him with my gun to remind him that this isn’t optional.

“Because I’m bringing the organization down,” he blurts out. “I’m done, I’ve watched them hurt too many people. At first, I understood them, I thought they had good intentions. I was in too deep before I realized I was wrong. I know what happens to people who try to stop them, they will destroy anything that’s precious to me. She’s all I got that I care about. And this little town where her mama was raised, one that’s off the grid and run by corrupted men with morals, is gonna be the perfect place to hide her,” he admits.

“A safe house. It’s a safe house,” I say my thoughts out loud.

“What are you talkin’ about?” Harvey turns his attention to me.

“The property out west that me and Savannah went to, it’s remote, high security. It’s a…”

“How did you find out about that place? No one is supposed to know. Noah fuckin?—”

“It wasn’t Noah,” I cut him off mind rant. “Savannah did some research using old public records, she found out the property belonged to your in-laws,” I explain, still not convinced that Harvey’s telling us everything.