Page 25 of Bun Sticker

"I see, mister. So you're using me for my labor now?" I quip, arching an eyebrow while a smirk tugs at the corner of my lips.

Clark chuckles, his eyes alight with both playfulness and desire as he glances up at me. "Well, I did promise you adventure. And what's a country adventure without a roll or two in a haystack?"

His words send a delightful thrill through me, one that leaves me giddy and blushing. I feel heat pool in my belly as I imagine the two of us sneaking off for these so-called 'private moments'. The thought of being caught, the thrill of the chase, it all seems so... exciting.

"All right, cowboy. You've got yourself a deal," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

His grin widens at my agreement and he pulls me closer, his hands slipping under my shirt to trace warm trails on my lower back. "That's my girl," he murmurs, sealing it with a kiss that quickly gets hot and heavy. "What do you say we get some breakfast in town before this goes any further and I'm late to clock on?"

As much as I'd rather continue with our current activity, my stomach rumbles at the mention of food. "Well, I can't say no to food."

He chuckles, running his hands lightly over my stomach before withdrawing them. He gives me one more peck on the lipsbefore getting out of bed and rummaging through the dresser drawer he's been using in search of a clean shirt.

"You gettin' up, city?" he asks, amusement in his voice when I still haven't moved.

I groan. "I really want the sex stuff and the food. But the working part isn't that enticing."

He laughs out loud at that, his broad back shaking as he pulls on a worn denim shirt. "Well, darlin', unfortunately life isn't always about the fun stuff. But it's always better when you got someone to share the hard work with."

With a dramatic huff, I haul myself out of bed and get ready, grumbling the whole time. But seeing Clark's dimpled grin when I emerge makes my irritation melt away.

"Ain't you just the cutest when you're all disgruntled," Clark teases, kissing the tip of my nose.

I stick my tongue out at him. "You're lucky you're so damn charming. Now feed me, farm boy."

At the diner, Clark orders an impressive stack of buttermilk pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I happily dig into my waffles, the sugar and caffeine already improving my mood.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I ask between bites.

"Figured I'd start you off easy," Clark says. "We'll fix some fences, move the herd to a new pasture, tend the horses..."

My eyes widen at the list. "That's your definition of easy?"

Clark just winks. "Stick with me, city girl. I'll take good care of you."

"Promises, promises," I mutter, stabbing at a waffle. He chuckles again, reaching across the table to wipe a stray drop of syrup from my chin. It's an innocent gesture, but also incredibly intimate.

"It's not a promise, city," Clark murmurs before he sucks the syrup from his thumb. "It's a fact."

I swallow hard, unable to formulate a quick response. Clark's intensity has a way of making my brain short-circuit. He grins at my silence, obviously pleased with himself.

"All right," he declares, finally finishing the last of his coffee. "Time to get movin'. We've got a long day of work ahead."


"Keep that rope taut now!" I call out as Mariah practices roping a dummy steer. Her brow is furrowed in concentration, tongue poking out adorably.

While she seemed to love helping me feed the orphaned calf the other day, I wasn't sure how she'd go when I got her doing some of the more physical work. But my girl is embracing it with gusto.

Mariah lets the lariat fly, whooping triumphantly when it loops around the steer's horns. "Did ya see that, cowboy?" She pops a hip as mimics my accent. Cheeky.

"Not too shabby.” I grin and amble over. “But let's see you try that on amovingtarget."

“I’m up for anything you can throw my way. I think I might be a natural at all this.”

“A natural, you say?” I lean in closer, her mossy eyes drawing me in like magnets.

“Mmm-hmm. I think this city girl has some country skills up her sleeve.”