Page 26 of Bun Sticker

My eyes lower to the fullness of her lips as my arm encircles her waist. “Oh, I knowexactlywhat skills you have, sweet thing.”

She lifts on her toes and brushes her lips to mine. “I might have skills in the bedroom, cowboy. Butyouare the master. You're a giver, and I'm constantly the very,verylucky receiver.”

I seal my mouth over hers with a groan, my cock getting blood flow as the only thing I can think about is being inside her again. I was obsessed with her the moment I saw her. But now that she's mine, I'm completely and irrevocably bewitched. The taste of her lips, the sound of her laughter, even her mock cowgirl posturing—it all weaves a heady spell I never want to break free from.

My hands travel past Mariah's hips and around to squeeze her round ass within my grip, making sure our bodies are flush together where it matters most. She moans into my mouth as I press the full effect of what she does to me against her lower belly.

"Feels like you're ready for another round," she murmurs against my lips.

"Just can't help myself around you," I rasp, moving my mouth to the hollow of her throat before slipping my tongue out to taste the sweat-slicked skin there.

Mariah moans softly as my tongue trails along her throat, tasting the salt of her exertion. Her fingers tangle in my hair, nails scraping against my scalp.

"We shouldn't...not here..." she protests weakly, even as her body arches into mine.

I merely chuckle against her heated skin, my hands still gripping and massaging the lush curves of her ass. "Why not, darlin'? Ain't no one around to see."

As if on cue, my friend Joey rides by on horseback and lets out a low whistle. “Well, well, well, if it ain’t the Bun Sticker come to visit. Better tell the boys to keep their asses covered and hide anythin’ sharp.”

Quickly jumping back with a yelp, Mariah pushes at my chest to put some distance between us.

"Told you we'd get caught," she murmurs, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson as she adjusts her disheveled clothing.

“Mariah ain’t the one you should be worried about tossin’ sharp things your way right now, Joey,” I call out, running a hand through my hair and taking a deep breath to calm my raging desire.Damn interruptions.

Joey circles back around, grinning from ear to ear. "Now, now, Clarky-boy. Don't go gettin’ your knickers all in a twist. I was just passin’ by and wanted to say hi to my buddy. Didn't mean to interrupt anythin’." He chuckles, eyeing us both up and down. “Still, you two should find somewhere more private for that.”

"This would be private if you’d turn your horse around and ride off in the opposite direction," I say, giving him a stern look that he just laughs off.

“Should I tell Harper there’ll be an extra mouth at dinner tonight? Reckon the boys’d love seein’ bun sticker here again. We’ve all noticed how absent our Clark has been ever since you two met.”

“I hope I’m not getting him in any trouble,” Mariah says, shielding her eyes against the sun as she looks up at Joey.

"Ain't no trouble at all, sweetheart," Joey reassures her, his voice still teasing. "Just makes us all curious as to what you see in this big ole lug. He's not exactly what you'd call handsome, but then again, neither am I." He winks at her, causing Mariah to roll her eyes. Joey is what most would call ‘oozing with charm’ and he knows it. Almost every single woman in town knows it, too.

“Oh, I don’t know, Joey,” Mariah says as the threads her fingers through mine. “I guess there’s just something about this big lug.” She pauses as she looks up at me with smiling eyes. “I’m getting kind of attached to him.”

I grin at Mariah, feeling my chest swell with affection. "And I'm getting rather attached to you, too," I murmur as I wrap my arms around her, nuzzling into her vibrant hair. She smells like home to me.

“Well, ain’t that just the sweetest thing,” Joey says, clucking his tongue as he gazes at us with a mix of mirth and affection. "I reckon I'll turn my horse around, then, and give you two some privacy.”

“I appreciate that,” I say, giving him a nod. Despite his initial teasing, I can see the genuine happiness he has for me and Mariah in his eyes.

With a final chuckle, Joey spurs his horse around, kicking up dust as he disappears into the distance with a, “See you ‘round, bun sticker!”

“I’m never going to live that name down, am I?” Mariah smiles as she shakes her head and returns her eyes to mine.

I pull her closer to me and lower my mouth to her ear. "Aw, don't let it get to ya, bun sticker. Folks around here just like poking fun is all."

She looks up at me, eyes softening. "I suppose I'd be teasing too if I rode up on you mauling someone in broad daylight."

"Mauling, huh?" I tickle her ribs and she shrieks. "I'll show you mauling, woman!"

We tussle playfully until we collapse onto the grass, chests heaving with laughter as I hold myself above her. Fuck. She’s so beautiful I can barely think straight.

Reaching up with one hand, I gently brush back the stray strands of hair that had gotten caught in her lashes before trailing my fingers down the side of her face. The movement is slow, memorizing every inch of her perfect features.

"We should get back to work," I murmur, my eyes lingering on her tempting lips before I force myself to stand, pulling Mariah to her feet along with me. "There’s a fence that needspatching, and the sooner we get to that, the sooner I can get you all to myself again."