Page 50 of Ridge

“Go outside,” he says, giving me a little push in that direction. He nods at one of the guys before he leads me out of the house. I don’t know how I feel about what’s going to happen inside. Should I feel some kind of way? I don’t think so. They both attacked me. They both deserve whatever Ridge does to them.

We step outside and I hear Ridge roaring with anger inside. I startle a little at the sound of his voice. The other man grabs my elbow and leads me away from the house a little more.

“You don’t need to be that close,” he says as I glance up at him.


“You don’t need to hear what’s goin’ on in there.” With that, I nod my head and let him lead me into the back of a van, where I sit and wait.



“Look at this shit,” Cooper says as he glances around the walls covered in photos of Olson.

“It’s fuckin’ sick,” one of his guys says.

“Yeah, it is, but it’s over now, isn’t it?” I ask, looking at where Gabe is bleeding out on the floor. I walk over, pull my knife free from the sheath, and hover over him. I grab a handful of hair and jerk his head back so he’s looking up at me.

“You like looking at my girl? You like takin’ her pictures? Too bad you’ll never get the chance to do that again,” I tell him, running the sharp edge of my blade across his neck. I watch as he sputters and gasps, but he can’t breathe. I watch the life leave his body before I turn my attention to Don.

“I always knew there was somethin’ about you I didn’t like. You gave off bad vibes. When Olson told me what you did to her, I wanted to rip your fuckin’ throat out,” I tell him as I step closer.

“You think she’s anything more than a common whore? She isn’t!” Don yells as I smirk at him.

“You know what she is? She’s mine, motherfucker! Mine! And no one gets to touch what belongs to me.” I wrap my hand around his throat, squeezing to get his attention.

“You can have her. I don’t want her,” he croaks with what little air I’m letting through.

“I can have her? Did you think I needed your permission to have her? I was havin’ her the whole time you were in that house,” I inform him. His eyes widen as I release the hold on his throat and drop to my knees in front of him so we’re at eye level.

“Motherfucker!” He roars as I smile and grin at him.

“You didn’t know that, did you? That I was inside of her and fuckin’ her till she screamed my name. You had no fuckin’ idea,” I taunt, pressing a few more of his buttons. I want to see him snap, and with those words, he does. He tugs at the man holding him in place, trying to break free, but he doesn’t get anywhere.

“How does it feel, Don, to know I was the last one inside her? That I will be the one she remembers from now on? Not you or what you did to her. Me.” I bait him. I wait for him to snap. I need it. I crave it. And then I slab the knife into his shoulder, listening to his scream. It’s like music to my fucked up ears to hear. I’ve waited a long time to get my hands bloody, and he’s the perfect victim.

“Cut his fuckin’ balls off for what he did to her,” Cooper suggests over my shoulder. I turn my head and glance up at him, nodding my head. He’s right. He doesn’t deserve them anyway. I turn back to Don and set the knife on the floor in front of me as he squirms. The guy holding him holds on tighter as I unzip the asshole's pants and pull his cock free. Then I grab my knife and slice right through it. He screams, oh yeah, he screams, too, and I love every sick second of it. Eventually, he passes out, and that pisses me off. Cooper walks over and slaps his face, waking him back up.

When his eyes come to meet mine, I grin at him.

“Miss me?”

“Stop. Please stop. I’ll never touch her again,” he cries as big tears stream down his cheeks. I laugh once more.

“You’re out of commission at this point anyway. Did you really think I’d let you live after what you did to her?” I ask, cocking my head to the side to study his reaction. He couldn’t have been that stupid, surely.

“You can’t kill me!”

“I can and I will. When I’m done playin’ with you first,” I tell him before stabbing the knife into his other shoulder. His screams rip through the room as I glance around at all the photos of her.

“Why him? Why did you get him involved?”

“He was stupid. He’d do whatever I told him as long as he got her,” he spits as tears roll down his cheeks.

“And neither one of you is walkin’ away with her,” I tell him through a laugh. That seems to piss him off a little more, but I don’t care. There’s nothing he can do to me now. I take the knife and plunge it into his stomach over, over and over. I keep going until there is nothing left of him, and his body slumps in the guy's hands.

“You wanna burn it down?” Cooper asks me. I shove off the floor and wipe the blood on my jeans before turning to face him.