Page 49 of Ridge

“She wants to be fucked, Gabe. How sweet.”

“I will fuck her. Over and over, Don. Just tell me to.” Gabe is too eager to do what Don tells him, and it makes me want to vomit.

“Fuck you both. You better not touch me!”

“Or what? What are you going to do?”

“What do you want from me?” I finally ask. There has to be something he wants.

“You, Olson. Hasn’t it been obvious for years? I’ve always wanted you. Even back when you were younger,” he says, making my skin crawl. He’s sick. He’s a sick man.

“You stole from me.”

“You wanted it,” he retorts.

“I didn’t want your hands on me! You touched and violated me when you had no right to do it,” I scream at him. He just laughs as Gabe cuts his eyes at him.

“You touched her? You told me you never laid a hand on her,” he roars now. He didn’t know that? He didn’t know what his little boss was up to. Maybe this is what I needed. I need to play them against each other.

“He did. He molested me,” I tell him. I know Gabe still has that gun. If I can just get him angry enough at Don, maybe he will use it. Someone is bound to hear the shot and go in search, right? Or at least call the cops over here?

“You what? You promised me she was untouched!”

“Oh, come on, Gabe. It isn’t that serious,” Don tells him before Gabe rushes him. I see him punch Don in the face before it explodes into a mess of arms and legs. I can’t tell who has the upper hand in this position, and I can’t tell what the hell is happening.

I shift in the chair, trying to tug at the ropes, but all it does is burn my skin even more, but it doesn’t stop me from trying anyway.

The guys are still going at it on the floor when I hear the shot, and my heart nearly leaps out of my chest. I look at the two of them, wondering who got hit, when I see Gabe stand and step back a little. His hand is over his stomach as blood coats his shirt. My mouth falls open as my uncle stands with a gun in his hand.

“You shouldn’t have provoked me,” he says as he aims the gun at Gabe once more. I scream this time. I don’t know why, butI do. Just as I do, the door bursts open, and men come storming in. There are men I have never seen before storming the room and taking my uncle down. Then I see him.

“Ridge!” I scream his name, and his head turns, his eyes finding mine. It’s like all the air is sucked from the room now that he’s in it. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I just … need him.

He rushes over to me as the others clear the rest of the house. His hands come up to cup my cheeks, looking deeply into my eyes.

“Did they …” He can’t even finish that sentence, and I don’t want him to.

“No.” He lets out a breath before shifting to move behind me and cutting my arms free. As soon as I’m freed, I launch myself out of the chair and into his arms. He wraps his arms around me and holds me as tightly as he can without hurting me.

“You’re okay now.”

“It was my uncle,” I tell him. He pulls back just a little and looks down at me, confused.

“I don’t know all the details, but my uncle was in on it,” I tell him. I hear my uncle and Gabe scream. They’re both pointing the finger at the other, and it makes me sick.

“I need you to go outside with one of the guys, yeah?”

“No. Please don’t send me outside without you.”

“I need to finish this, and you don’t need to see it,” he tells me. He’s probably right, but that doesn’t mean I want to let him go. I don’t.

“Please Ridge. Don’t do this,” I beg him.

“Do what? Kill them?”

“No. Please don’t leave me. Don’t make me go,” I beg. I can’t leave him now. I need him too much. I need him to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be okay.

“I’m not goin’ anywhere, Princess. I just need to handle this shit first,” he tells me. Reluctantly, I nod my head as he pullshis cut off and his shirt over his head. He slips my arms in and pulls the shirt down so that it’s covering all parts of me. Then he kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before. His kiss is rough and passionate and full of emotions I’m not even sure of.