Page 64 of Valentine in a Kilt

"I'm dead sure you would turn into a lioness in that sort of situation. But I would never interfere with your family."

"Yeah, I know." And I love that about him. He's respectful and sweet, but he knows when to get tough, like on that side street in Loch Fairbairn. "You tell me you were never a spy, but you were an agent. That means you were passing information to your handler. Doesn't that also mean you were secretly collecting evidence?"

He scratches his cheek, and his expression tightens. "Aye, you're right about that. But I wasn't James Bond. I wasn't even like Logan MacTaggart, who was in MI6. His job involved serious covert operations. I did most of my spying from the comfort of a desk at the DIO. Only on certain occasions did I go out into the field."

"I realize you can't tell me everything. And I don't want you to risk getting in trouble for what you've already said."

"Dinnae fash. This is between you and me. But if it ever should come out that I told you these things, I will be the one in trouble, not you."

"But I don't want you to go to prison."

He slides closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Relax, mo chridhe. From this moment on, your safety is my number-one priority."

No one has ever given me that kind of vow. He means it too. I can hear the truth of it in his voice and see it on his face.

Thane lays a hand on my cheek and gently turns my face toward him. "I want you to come to my house. You'll be safer there."

"Where is your house?"

"On the outskirts of Loch Fairbairn."

"This building has security guards and electronic surveillance, plus electronic locks. Wouldn't we be safer here?"

He rubs his thumb on my cheek, smiling in that same soft yet melancholy way as he had a moment ago. "Holden knows you live here. But I doubt he managed to find out where I live."

"Why not? He used to be a spy, after all."

"Aye. But my house is not listed under my name. I created a sort of shell game to keep villains guessing about who owns the house. It's very complicated. Two of my mates, Evan MacTaggart and his cousin Logan, arranged it all for me."

"You're very paranoid, huh?"

"It isn't paranoia. It's insurance."

Considering the kind of life he used to lead, I guess I can understand why he feels that keeping his home a secret is necessary. But I think there's a flaw in his plan. "Don't all your friends and relatives know where you live?"

"They do. But none of them would ever reveal that information."

"But a bad guy could spot you in town and follow you home."

He shakes his head slowly. "I'm always watching the vicinity, even when I'm driving. It's instinct. Years of working as a geospatial analyst taught me to pay close attention to details, especially in the environment."

Okay, maybe he actually can protect me better at his house. I'd rather stay with him, anyway---wherever that might be. If he believes his home is the best place, I'll go there with him. Heck, I'd go anywhere in the world with Thane.

"I agree. We should move to your house. But it's dark out, so maybe we should wait until morning."

"No. Nighttime is better. Pack up what you'll need for tonight, and tomorrow we can come back for the rest."

He's really serious about this. I had no idea the Holden incident was such a big deal, until he explained it to me this evening. Holden De Boer isn't just a whackjob with a grudge. He's a former spy and a traitor.

So, I quickly pack what I need for tonight and the morning. Then we walk out of my apartment. Instead of going down to the parking garage, however, we detour around that, heading outside via a door that's marked "employees only." Thane pulls out a set of what looks like lockpicking tools. I've only seen those in movies, but he actually owns a set.

This is no movie. It's a genuine dangerous situation.

But I feel safe as long as Thane is with me.

We skulk out of the building on the backside and then skulk down an adjacent street until we reach Thane's pickup truck. As he starts up the engine, I have to ask a question.

"The apartment complex has electronic locks, electronic everything. Yet there was an old-fashioned door hidden in the corner of the garage."