Page 65 of Valentine in a Kilt

"Aye, that's right. Clearly, the architect didn't think the employee exit needed such tight security. I've seen things like that before."

"I guess that makes a kind of sense. The cheapskate kind."

Thane takes us through a maze of houses and other buildings on our way out of Fort William, and he does the same thing once we reach Loch Fairbairn. By the time we get to his house, I have no idea how I might ever find my way back to my apartment without the maps app on my phone. Even then, I couldn't be sure I'd find my way. A digital map isn't foolproof.

As it turns out, Thane lives in the middle of nowhere, just far enough away from Loch Fairbairn that I can't see the lights from that little town. His house is dark. The only illumination comes from the sky and the truck's headlights, which he quickly shuts off, leaving us with only the stars and moonlight.

Thane climbs out of the truck and rushes around to my side to open my door before I've even grasped the handle. He offers me both his hands as I climb out. Then he shuts the door.

And he tips his head back to gaze up at the night sky. His lips curl into a sweet little smile as he closes his eyes.

What is he doing?

Thane clasps my hand, tugging me closer. With his eyes still shut, he tells me, "Shut your eyes, lass, and enjoy the ambient sounds of the natural world."

"Um, shouldn't we go inside? It's cold out here."

"Listen with me for a wee bit. I'll keep you warm." He proves that claim by hugging me tightly to his body. He feels warm all right. "I won't ask you to do this again. Just give it a go and see if you like it. This is my version of meditation." He opens his eyes just long enough to wink at me before he shuts his lids. "If you don't like it, I'll never ask you to do this again."

His version of meditation seems innocuous enough, and it's oddly important to him that I try it. Why not? Might as well give it a go. I tip my head back and close my eyes.

"Relax, and let your thoughts fly away. Don't try to hear the natural sounds, just let them sink into your psyche."

His calm and soothing voice makes it easy for me to do what he suggested. I focus on the feel of his body hugging mine and the masculine scent of him. Soon, I forget about the truck, the gravel driveway beneath my feet, and everything else except the natural world. Then, I begin to notice little sounds. The rustling of the leaves on the trees. The whispering of Thane's breaths.

"Do ye hear that sound?" he asks. "It's grasshoppers."

"What sound?"

"Let your ears guide you."

Not sure what that means, but I relax and roll with it. Soon, I do hear a noise. "What's that clicking sound?"


"Oh. I've never heard that sound before. Had no idea grasshoppers made any kind of noise."

Thane opens his eyes and smiles in that serene way I've seen him do often. "Let's go inside now, eh? You must be getting cold."

I rub my hands together, trying to warm them up. "It is chilly out here. I forgot to bring my mittens. They're back in my apartment."

"We'll get them tomorrow."

He keeps his arm around me while we cross the gravel driveway and step up onto the porch. I can't see much in the darkness. My eyes haven't adjusted yet. But the outlines of the porch suggest it has pretty architecture. I'd love to see it in the daylight. But right now, I just want to get inside and get warmed up.

Thane throws the door open and ushers me inside, kicking the door shut behind him. Then he flips a switch, and a lamp comes on in the living room.

"Wow, Thane, your home is beautiful."

"I appreciate the compliment, but Fiona and her sisters are responsible for the interior design."

"Those ladies have excellent taste. Mind if I have a good look around?"

He smiles. "Go on, lass. Have your fun while I get the wood stove started up."

I wander around the living room, admiring the furnishings that are attractive and country-ish but not feminine. The woodsy colors and styles are a combination of soft and manly. Fiona and her sisters must know Thane pretty well to decorate his home this way. It suits him perfectly.

"Mind if I go into the other rooms?" I ask. "Don't want to invade your privacy."