Page 5 of Merging Factions

“We’ll do more than see,” he growls. It’s impressive the way he does that. I love that when it comes to me, his animalistic side takes over and barrels its way to the forefront, it makes me feel—special and safe.

“If you say so,” I harrumph, crossing my arms blatantly across my chest. Unlike Luca, I’m not bound to my chair. I do, however, have a chain shackled to my ankle that only allows me to move a few feet from where it’s anchored to the wall, but I can still throw attitude by using my limbs.

“Keep running from me, Mera. I fuckin’ love the chase,” he threatens. His intimidating, gruff tone causes chill bumps to race up and down my flesh.

“Is that an imminent threat, Luca?” I ask, tilting my head while waiting for a response.

“Fuck, no. It’s a goddamn guarantee,” he hisses.

“We’ll see,” I banter.

“Stop using that phrase, Tammera. You need to keep in mind, and not forget, Little Red Riding Hood, I’m the big bad wolf in this scenario. I’m the predator in this dilapidated situation, and once I have you securely out of this place, I’m going to sink my teeth into you, and mark you as my own.”

My body shivers in response, because that washawt, with a mother bleeping capital H.


Even with thishovel that we’re being detained inside of being damp, it’s not chilly, instead, it’s sweltering hot. The boiling temperature is scorching enough that I feel as if I’m trapped inside of a heat box being baked alive. Sweat pours down my back in rivulets, pooling at the crease of my ass and waist.

I’m not even in the right mindset to give an accurate description of how my dick and balls are suffering. It's arashyunderpass that’s under construction that should come with a warning, or at least a suggestion sign stating that you shouldn't be traveling down under without a full blast of air conditioning to cool your tunnel—no pun intended.

Okay, maybe a little pun because that shit’s funny as hell. It’d be even funnier if I wasn’t the intended audience that the shit was directed at.

On top of all of that, the perspiration is dripping in tandem from my forehead, sliding down my temples and burning my eyes, which is causing my vision to be somewhat blurry.

I’ve lost count of the many hours, days, weeks, or possible months that we’ve been stuck down here, waiting for the Crumleys to finalize their debaucherous, depraved auction plans where it pertains to us. I can’t say with certainty what the right timespan has been since we were abducted, but it feels as if it’s been several decades at minimum.

My throat has pus pockets from the lack of water that’s been supplied to me, and my stomach feels like it’s ulcerated from the lack of consistent sustenance. I’m bloated, lethargic, and weak. I’m only being provided enough nutrients to keep me alive. Granted, in my current state, the term ‘alive’ doesn’t mean a helluva lot because I feel, look and smell like absolute shit.

“Come on, brother,” I beg Julius in a low timbre so that Mera doesn’t hear the concern in my tone, needing him and the boys to get their act together, and get here already.

The only bright side in this tragic and horrific event is that Mera gets fed three square meals a day, and the fact that they’ve left a full jug of water that they refill daily, plus a glass to replenish when she gets thirsty.

I hadn’t lied before when I stated that I’d die for her. I abso-fucking-lutely will without any shadow of a doubt. But in my mind, I never predicted that it’d be due to a pitiful case of starvation, or severe dehydration. I have no way of refueling myself if it comes down to a fight of the fittest. At this point, I may as well flop over to my back, show my belly, and beg for a rub down.

We were so damn well protected that I still can’t figure out how we were overpowered, caged in, and conquered the way we were.

I wanted to be the hero in her story. In the figment of my imagination, I was the one who took a bullet that’d save her life, pushed her out of the way of a speeding car, and stopped the hit meant for her. If I go out like this, I won’t be wearing any damn cape, and it’ll be anything but heroic.

I’ve become an empty shell of the man I was before being trapped, exiled, and imprisoned inside of a tiny as fuck, subsurface confinement cell. My trousers, without a belt to keep them upright, are barely staying on my hips, and even in my upright seated position, I can feel the lacerations of bedsores perforating on my ass end, plus my lower back from lack of active motion. I may not be a medical professional, but even I know that infection is no doubt running rampant throughout my body at this point. Should my brother and the boys persevere and find us in time, I can only hope I won’t be too far gone to save.

My body droops, followed by my eyes, as I fall into a pit of oblivion.

* * *

“What are you doing? Keep your slimy hands off of him!” I rouse to hear Mera shrilling like a banshee. “Leave him alone! Go away! Shoo!”

My Curly Sue keeps things interesting and refreshing. I never know what’s going to come out of her mouth the next time she opens it. The last innuendo she used has me internally snorting. I wish it was going to be as easy as swatting flies away, but something tells me that I won’t be handed one of those nifty fly swatters once they drag me out of here.

“It’s going to be okay, sweetness,” I say, trying to reassure her. “It takes more than a love tap from these two to make me hurt.” I add a wink to show everybody that I’m not afraid.

As long as their attention is stuck on me, and she’s left alone, no amount of torture can faze me, and I won’t put up any resistance to their “punishments”.

“Where are you taking him?” she begs, her eyes imploring, attempting to coerce the two jackasses, the same lowlifes that have been subjugating her with their tawdry, highbrow taunting since our arrival, to give her an honest, and sincere answer.

I start to worry about her mental state of mind, hoping she’s not on the brink of breaking due to our entrapment as she growls, thrashes, and tosses her head around like she’s the leading character inTheExorcist, nearly the same way as the girl did as she was undergoing the demonic purging.

“Don’t worry, girl. We’re going to take good care of Luca here, aren’t we, Maribus?”