“Then we did the right thing. If Julius, Shayne, and the boys made it out, then they’ll be coming for us, Curly Sue. That I can guarantee you.”
“If we’re not sold first.” I begin to giggle uncontrollably, only to end with a sob. The situation isn’t funny, not in the least, I have no clue why I’m laughing hysterically like I am.
“Mera? Mera, look at me!” Luca thunders, and just like that, my laughter stops.
“What? What is it, Luca?” I ask. His voice is hard and unyielding as I begin panting and twirling my head around for unseen threats.
My body begins rocking back-and-forth on this withered and threadbare cot I’m cuffed to. If this is the beginning of what my life is going to look like, I don’t want any part of it. I’d rather them kill me and get it over with. Our eyes clash, and the blood flowing down the side of his face has tears welling in my eyes.
“You’re hurt, Luca. You’re bleeding. They… they wouldn’t let me tend to your wounds. They laughed at me when I asked.”
“They want me vulnerable, Mera. But I swear to you, I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine, Luca! Not even a little bit!” I boom, my voice ricocheting like a snare drum around this dungeon-style basement we’re being held prisoner in.
“That’s it, kitten, show me those claws.” He heckles me.
Why does he want me angry, anyway? “We need to be plotting and planning a way out of this godforsaken predicament we’re in, not arguing.”
“Until my hands are untied, there’s not much I can do about our current predicament, beautiful. But I know my family, and they won’t rest until they’ve recovered us. But I am curious about what you think about one thing,” he says, distracting me.
“What’s that?” I ask, my body no longer quaking and my thoughts now my own, and not that of my trepidations.
“What’s your opinion about the goon squad?” he questions, crooking an eyebrow at me. “They’re something, aren’t they?”
A baleful bark of laughter escapes me before I answer him, “You mean tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb? They’re egotistical—so dang enamored and full of themselves that it isn’t even funny. They think they’re God's gift to women, but they’re disgusting. No better than swamp trash.”
“Are they the touchy feely type of guys, Mera?” he quizzes. I have the feeling he’s digging for information without being obvious about it.
“Not too bad,” I remark. “They tried to take advantage of this situation and cop a feel of the girls, but before they could grab me, some other guy snapped at them and told them to cut it out. Something about keeping me virginal and undefiled for my “buyers”.” My voice becomes sullen as I downcast my eyes, thinking about the fact that I wish I hadn’t kept my virtue so long only for it to be stolen.
Ishould havegiven in to my inhibitions earlier on, and Ishould havegiven myself to Luca like I’ve wanted to on so many different occasions. But when I give someone my virginity, I want it to be special and meaningful, not only a roll in the hay to get it done and over with. I’m just not wired that way.
“Do you have any regrets, Luca?”
“Why the sudden change in topic, Mera? What are you regretting, baby doll?”
“The fact that I saved myself for someone special to come into my life, and now, I may not have a choice in who takes that gift away from me,” I whisper.
“No one will ever take anything from you that you don’t willingly give freely, Tammera. I swear to you, before that happens, we will be freed. I’d die before letting something like that happen to you,” he vows.
“Don’t say that, Luca.” That thought alone has me sobbing. “The idea of you not being around breaks my heart and shatters my soul.”
“I’ll never purposefully leave you, Curly Sue. I’ll fight tooth and nail before letting that happen. You and me, once this is through and these fucktards have been dealt with, we will be happening.”
“Just like that, huh? Don’t I get a say-so in who my life partner will be?” I snarkly reply.
Not because I’m angry at his proclamation, really, I’m not. Annoyed, yes. Angry, no. I’m thrilled, but I refuse to let him deem something as is and let him snap his meaty fingers and give in to his every demand and whim.
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t fight him—somewhat. When we do eventually get together, and I’m choosing to believe his premonition that we will be together, I refuse to give up the small amount of independence I’ve recently found and have been given. I need and desire the freedom to make choices of my own when it pertains to my life.
Do I want Luca? Absolutely. With a thirst that feels as if it will never be quenched no matter how large of a body of water is placed before me to drink from.
Will I let him mentally will us to be together? I’ll only give him enough leeway with that before I go full steam crazy on him.
“Just like that,” he growls, hunger for me evident in his gaze.
“We’ll see,” I saucily reply.