Page 17 of Merging Factions

“True,” I theorize. “But they also are aware there’s no way in unless you know where our weaknesses are.”

He sighs, then says, “There aren’t any.”

“No. But we do have entrances that are monitored and surveilled by computers instead of being supervised by our men. They’re fortified in steel, and the only way in or out of those doors is if you know the six-digit codes.”

“And does Mera know these codes?” he asks.

“No. They’re changed daily,” I explain.

“They must’ve figured that out and realize that she’s no good to them,” he mentions.

“That’d be my guess.” Now, we need to change our plan of action and think on the fly. “You have a choice, Matteo. I’m going after her. You can either come with me, or you can get the fuck out of here and make some calls to bring in the cavalry. The decision is yours. I won’t pressure you or put you in any further danger than you’re already in.”

“Don’t patronize me, Luca Alvarez. I’m not some wilting flower whose petals are gonna droop, shrivel, and wither away from a powerful gust of wind. Stop pussyfooting around and giving me ridiculous options. Let’s go save your girl.”

“Lead the way,” I order, removing my neck tie from around my shoulders and letting it dangle from my left hand, my weapon clutched in my right. “No survivors.”

“No survivors,” he copies, his voice now lethal, reminding me of his brother when he’s had enough of the bullshit and is ready to fuck some shit up.

* * *

Making it out of the lower level was easy, too fucking easy. Their lack of security and making sure all points of entry are protected is telling in itself. They’re too confident, cocky, and they’ve let their guard down. This is how people get killed, but I can’t complain seeing as I’m the one who’s going to be doing the killing.

“They’ve put all of their men in one place. Their arrogance is going to be their downfall,” Matteo tells me, shaking his head at their incompetence.

“They think they're invincible, and no one would dare come at them,” I add. “They believe their reputation precedes them and everyone is either too stupid or scared to jack their operation up. It’s going to be their undoing.”

As soon as we make it around the long-stretched curve, a team of men come out of the darkened shadows. What has me pausing is that they’re wearing leather cuts, only their emblems and lettering are different from our men, an MC I’ve never come across or heard of before. I recognize Gunner, Julius, and Master, but it’s the two men accompanying them that wear a different logo that have me glued to my place.

“Luca,” Julius whispers my name, his shoulders drooping. “Thank fuck, brother.” He wraps his arms around my shoulders, and none too kindly, drags me in for a backbreaking hug.

Berating him, I harrumph, “Took you long enough to get your ass here, brother. You’re getting slow in your old age.”

I smirk when I notice that he’s taken his retired cut out of the closet in the garage. His badge with his road name, Diablo, is still crisp, and crystal clear to read. I can’t help but wonder why they’re wearing their cuts to be identified. I know why we are, we have a point to make, but traditionally, when clubs go on rescue runs, they wear disguises.

“Who’s this?” I ask, taking a minute to shake off the relieved look from my face, and step back from him to check the two newcomers out. Their tags mark them as the Hellions MC, and I have to admit, they’re intimidating guys. Both of them oozing“don’t fuck with me”scowls, but other than that, they show no outward emotions. I can tell they’ve had a rough life, and don’t take shit off anyone.

He ignores my insult, and instead focuses on introducing me to his companions. “We ran into them outside and came to a truce of sorts. They’re here on a rescue mission as well. This is Roundman and Danza, they’re two of the higher ranked men in the Hellions.” If “higher ranked” is what he’s going with as an explanation of their club status instead of broadcasting the fact that they’re the pres and VP of the Hellions, there’s a reason for it, so I don’t press by asking any further questions and pushing my luck.

Instead, I nod my head, which they return, and shift my attention back to Julius. “They have Mera up for grabs, we were on our way to cause some irreparable damage. You in?”

“Of course, we’re in,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me as if I’ve lost my mind asking such a stupid question. “We just charging in there with guns blazing where innocent people, including Mera, can get dead, or do you two have a better plan? What the fuck are you doing here, Matteo?”

“That’s a long explanation, Julius,” Matteo answers.

“One, you’ll be telling me all about when we get out of here,” Julius demands, leaving him no room for argument.

Gunner interrupts Julius’ tirade before things get out of hand by ordering, “First, let’s take the men running detail around the perimeter out, then we’ll work our way inside. Our men are on standby and will be splitting up their duties after they’ve disabled the cars to come in here to help us out. In the meantime, we stay in groups of a minimum of two to have each other’s backs. Any questions?” I can’t imagine why he’s patronizingly staring at me and Julius but choose to keep my mouth quiet because now is not the time nor the place to quiz him on it.

Our groups are broken down to Gunner and Master. Roundman and Danza. Matteo, Julius, and me. Guess my brother’s not letting me out of his sight anytime soon. If the roles were reversed, I'd be the same way.


My keeper'swords keep sweeping through my mind on repeat.“Now, be a good girl, obey, and I won’t have to use this on you.”As my eyes careen down, all I can envision is the spark activating at the tip. Being shocked is not on my top ten list of things to experience. Therefore, I keep my head down and follow along when he pulls me like a good girl. I know that right now, I don’t have any other option than to play the obedient and docile role.

When there’s a tug on the collar, my back snaps ramrod straight. “You’re up,” my custodian tells me, a gleam of gratification shimmering behind his honey-hued irises. “Remember what I told you earlier.” Like I can help but remember, it’s all that I can think about.

“O-okay. I w-will,” I stutter, sounding weak and unsure of myself. I can’t let him see that, so I close my eyes and find my inner-strength. For some reason, Charlee enters my mind, and my mantra becomes, do what Charlee would do.