Page 16 of Merging Factions

“Oh, he’s gonna be pissed,” Matteo sings, and there’s far too much glee in his voice when he says this to me.

Sighing, I say, “You sound far too happy about that aspect, Matt.”

Matteo chuckles before stating, “That’s because I’ve only seen you bend for your brother, Luca. It’s nice to see someone who doesn’t tremble from your mere presence.”

“You know how it is,” I grumble, reminding him I’m not the only one with a big brother who is capable of making us feel like a small boy again. “How long has it been since you’ve seen Marco, anyway? Does he even know that you’re working for me?”

“Absolutely fucking not,” he moans, constricting his eyes as he sends me a broadened sneer. “You know how he is.”

“I do,” I remark, hiding my smirk. “He wants you to live the civilian life where you’ll be free from the danger that comes with our lifestyle. It’s why he put you through medical school after all. How’s that going for you?”

Marco and Matteo’s father worked for ours, and as is tradition, the position is passed down from father to son. But Marco, he fought tooth and nail to keep his sibling as far away from the ascension as possible, stating that only one post needed to be filled and that would be by him as the eldest son. It’s admirable that he did this, and if Julius had stuck around instead of branching out and procuring a different sort of future for himself, Ma, Gunner, and Charlee, I’m sure he’d have tried to pull the same stunt when it came to me.

“He’ll get over it,” Matteo mumbles, knowing damn good and well that’s not going to be how this goes down when Marco discovers that Matt is neck deep in our business.

“Will he? I’d think after he went through the hassle of changing your last name, wiping all the breadcrumbs that tie you to him and us, that’s not how he’s going to react, and you know it. You need a reality check, Matt, because he’s going to lose his shit.”

“Bite your tongue, fucker. We’re here so therapy time is over,” he grumbles, reaching out for the handle. “You sure you’re up for this?”

“Stop stalling, pussy. It wouldn’t matter if I was bleeding out, this is happening. Now, open that door and let's kick some ass.”

“I bet I’ll take out more men than you do,” he barters.

“Is that a challenge, Matteo? You know how much those make my dick hard.”

“A stiff wind turns you on, Luca.”

“Not anymore. Only my blonde haired, cork screwed, Curly Sue can do that.”

“Now who’s the pussy, Luca?” he negotiates. “But if that’s true, then our normal bet has to change. Instead of you becoming my wingman after I win, how about a year's worth of Jack instead?”

“If you beat me, which I don't see happening, I’ll buy you a lifetime supply,” I counter. “AfterIwin.” I emphasize and draw out the word I. “I want to be there when you explain to Marco that you came to me for work and not the other way around.”

“Aw, Luca. Do you want to protect me from my big brother's wrath?”

“No, Matt. I want to kick back with a tub of popcorn and watch the fireworks explode. Now, are you satisfied I’m up to par so we can stop stalling and get the show on the road? Don’t think I don’t know that by you stopping to have this conversation you were checking in on me. And since I’ve passed this test of yours, and have had a small rest, I’m ready to stop verbally sparring with you and get my woman back.”

“You’re not at your best, but you’ll do. Fine, Luca. Just let me take the lead and reserve your energy as much as you possibly can. I have a feeling this will just be a small battle compared to the war we’ll be facing.”

Instead of responding, I point to the door. “Now, Matteo.”

“Promise me, Luca.”

“Can’t do that, Matteo.” I shrug. I don’t make promises that I can’t keep, and he knows this which is why he sighs, but moves forward and pushes the door outward. When we infiltrate the underground catacombs, it’s quiet, and immediately we know the room is void of any occupants. She’s not here. “What the fuck? Where is she, Matteo?”

“I don’t know, Luca. She’s supposed to be right here,” he adamantly asserts, jabbing his finger toward what’s supposed to be her cell. Where she’s been kept since day one. “They gave her a reprieve long enough to come to a decision on if she’s willing to expose Shayne’s whereabouts. She should be here.”

“But she’s not, is she?” I stop to think, and that’s when I see several sets of footprints leading away, instantaneously, I know where they’ve taken her. “Fuck. Matteo, do you think?”

“Think what?” he queries, canting his head sideways. “Oh. Oh, shit!”

“My sentiments exactly.” I blow out a heated breath.

“She’s being auctioned,” he whispers.

“You think?” Of course, she is. “They played her, they never intended to give her time to reconsider her stance on where she stands. They knew she’d never give in. They knew she’d never give up Shayne’s location.”

“But they already know where she is, so that doesn’t make sense. Julius wouldn’t let her be somewhere he’s not. He’d want eyes on her personally.”