Page 32 of Broken

Kara leaned into me. “Sounds perfect. Even doing this, it just seems so normal.”

“You don’t like normal?”

“I don’t mind normal at all.”

Leaning down, I kissed the top of her head. She was right. This was the most normal thing I had ever done in a long long time. Then Matteo appeared.

“I was wondering if I could speak to the both of you?”

“Of course. What is it, Matteo?” I leaned up.

“I was wondering if maybe I could take Olivia away for the weekend. Just until the Halloween party.”

Kara perked up. “Did you ask Olivia first?”

“I did, and she’s fine with it.”

Then I spoke. “If she’s okay with it, I don’t see any reason why you can’t get away for a couple of days.”

Matteo smiled. “Thank you so much, boss.”

“Just remember if you hurt her, you have me to deal with,” Kara told him. “So, you better be a thousand percent certain this is what you want.”

“I know. I’ve known since the day I first laid eyes on her.”

I told him, “Have a good time.”

“Thank you again. I will let my backup know to be on call.”

“Thank you, Matteo.”

He was excited as he left to head back to Olivia. He was never gonna let that poor girl out of his sight. Of course, I didn’t mind if he took off for a few days.

“He deserves a vacation,” I said aloud. “He wouldn’t even take a few days off when his friend died. And he worked tirelessly when you were kidnapped. I think I’ll put some extra money is his account.”

“That would be nice of you, Damon.”

We watched a romantic comedy I knew nothing about, but it kept Kara laughing. It was nice to hear her laugh. And I wanted to hear it more often. She eventually fell asleep on my chest. Olivia refused to wake her up to tell her bye while she headed out with Matteo.

Finally, when the house was quiet and we were alone, I lifted Kara up to carry her to our bedroom. She raised her arms to put them around my neck.

“Damon,” she said when I laid her on the bed.


“I don’t want you to handle me like a feather just because I’m pregnant. I am so much stronger than I ever was before. Do you know what I’m saying? We can still have sex where I can play your submissive. I am willing to do that.”

I couldn’t help the devilish smile that played across my face.

“Is that so, Miss Ricci?” I moved my hand down her thigh and lightly grazed her skin. She reached down to run her hand over my back.

“No. No. Keep those hands to yourself or I will handcuff you.”

She bit down on her lip.

“Hands above your head, Dove.”

She did as I asked.