Page 14 of Betrayal

“But,” Kara cried out.

After my shower, I took a quick glance at the security screen, and saw her trembling. I wanted her to feel dirty and used because she needed a lesson in submission. I knew she only said she would obey me because she needed to come so bad. So, leaving her down there for another night wouldn’t hurt anything.

I could see it in her eyes that she truly hated me, but her body would always betray her, which made her hate me even more. I didn’t care, because I owned her.

Flipping the screen off, I got in bed. Tossing and turning most of night, I wondered if leaving her down there was the right decision. I knew it was for the best. Everything I had told her was the truth. There were far worse men out there than me. I was protecting her because I knew I wasn’t the only one her father owed money to. I wished she would just realize that.


So much for sleep; my mind was racing all night. After dressing for my day, I headed down to the kitchen. I could already smell the coffee brewing.

“Good morning, Master.” Susie bowed her head ever so slightly. Why couldn’t Kara be like that? I guess she wouldn’t be much of a challenge then. I kind of liked that she pushed back a little.

“Morning, Susie. Will you draw a bath for Kara and I’ll bring her up?”

“Yes, Master. Would you like your breakfast first?”

“No. I’ll wait for Kara. She needs to eat.”

I took a big swig of my coffee while Susie went to draw a bath. I took careful steps down to the basement. I wasn’t sure what condition I would find Dove in. I hoped she wasn’t too hurt. I kept reminding myself she needed to learn her lesson, that I owned her.

When I reached her, conviction took residence in her eyes. “Don’t you fucking touch me.”

Without a word, I undid the straps and scooped her up in my arms and carried her upstairs. “Wrap your arms around my neck.”

She did as I told her. I carried her all the way to her room, into the bathroom, and placed her in the awaiting bathtub. She sat there, her eyes closed, while I took the sponge and started washing her back.

“Who do you belong to?” I asked in almost a whisper.

She looked right into my eyes like she could see my soul. “You, Master. You.” Tears threatened to spring from her eyes.

“Who owns you?” I asked a little louder but with an even tone.

“You, Master.”

“Good girl.” I smiled, pleased she was finally picking up what I required of her.

“Honestly, you fuck with my head,” she whispered.

“It’s simple, really. You disobey me, you get punished. You obey me, and you get rewarded. You’ll come around eventually. Because if I recall, you liked the way I looked at you during those card playing nights.”

I saw a hint of a smile spread on her face. “I did like that. That was before I knew what you were capable of.”

She had me there. “Lean your head back,” I instructed so I could wash her hair. She still had her knees pulled into her chest. We didn’t talk the rest of the time I spent washing her. It seemed she needed to be alone in her thoughts.

After I finished, I pulled a warm towel from the shelf. “Up you go.” I wrapped the towel around her as she stood.

“Thanks.” I merely looked at her and she realized her mishap. “I mean, thank you, Master.”

“I’ll leave you alone so you can get dressed. Meet me in the dining room for breakfast when you’re done.”

She nodded. But I gave her a knowing look. “What was that?”

“Yes, Master.”

Chapter Ten