Page 64 of The Chase

"There's always time for sex, M.I.A., and we will get to that…"

My crew snort as Mia's response is swallowed by my mouth. I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom.




The last lecture of the day has dragged its ass, and honestly, the whole day has felt out of sorts. I know why I feel the way I do. Austin had his meeting with Dean Tucker. I don't think we are going to be listened to, as per, and then what do we do? I feel like this whole thing is steamrolling andwe can’t stop it. We are going to be frustrated by the result, I just know it. I'd managed to push down tuna pasta when a textdemandingmy attendance at Dexter's had pinged through.

The tuna pasta hasn't felt so good in my stomach since receiving it.

Why Dexter's? But I suppose it makes a change to it being at our apartment but the last time we had been there Zac had come to our table and attempted to flirt with me. My insides squirm at the memory. The tuna pasta is still not sitting right. I also feel like loads has happened since that moment. Zac keeps showing up, and each time he does it, things get worse for us. I don't mind the bar, but it's there for the crews to meet and relax. I'm certainly not a part of a crew, even though the BB crew calls my gang of girls a crew.

Things with Austin are getting serious, the unfamiliar ground is spongey and keeps knocking me off balance. The only person who can keep me upright is Austin. As Kit would say, what a pickle. I have no idea why. I don’t understand British humor. But he says it’s when things are muddled or my thoughts and feelings contradict each other. So, my feelings for Austin put me in a pickle.

I huddle into my coat, eager for the warmth of the bar.


Sawyer's voice makes me squeal. "Jesus!"

He smirks, looking a little sheepish. "Sorry. I'm just following a rule."

Damn it. "Can you walk a little louder at least? You would be well suited in the army or something. Austin wouldn't like it if I dropped dead due to a heart attack."

"You're made of strong stuff, Mia. I’m sure a heart attack won’t see you out of this world."

I shrug. I am getting fed up with the bodyguard routine, so much so, that I'm ready to sort the situation verbally with Harryand Zac, and perhaps get Avery to deal with it, too. I've seen the two of them over the course of the week, grinning whenever they see me, or someone in my crew, as they stroll without a care around campus. I haven't said anything to them directly because I want to respect Austin's idea that we need to deal with it in the correct way. But I did flip Zac the finger one day.

The cops want evidence, and at this point, they think we are as bad as each other. How the hell can someone tell us that it all comes down to evidence when his arm is still in plaster? He has x-rays he can show them. I know that his ribs are still causing him issues. He moves and it lacks his usual confidence, I can see that he holds himself straighter, like he's keeping his body together. I’m more cautious when we are in bed together. Even though Austin isn’t.

"You're quiet?" Sawyer enquires.

I cast him a glance. "I have a lot on my mind."

Another thing that has been bothering me over the last couple of days is Mom. Am I even safe to visit her? Harry knows where Mom lives and if he ever takes that step, I'll kill him. I’m not even joking. I don’t know how much more our parents want to know after they’d broken us out of the jail. No one else has a parent that lives in Boston, within reach of one of them.

Sawyer steps around me, opening the door to Dexter's. The heavy thrum of music is nothing compared to the blast that assaults me when I walk in. The gang is at our usual table. I really don't know how we manage to grab this table whenever we come here. It's prime seating. Unless… is this now the BB table? What will we do if someone is already in it?

Nova waves from her corner as Austin slides his hands around my waist and pulls me into his lap. "I've got you a JD and coke," he murmurs in my ear. His warm breath sending shivers across my body.

His fingers tickle my neck as he cups it, forcing me down so our lips meet, the softness makes my heart roll, well, until his tongue licks at my lower lip, and the roll becomes a fire within me.

"So, what happened yesterday?" Autumn shouts over the music.

I break the contact with Austin and look at her. Her blue hair cascading over her shoulders in waves.

I shift, attempting to stand, but Austin holds me in his lap. My ass is rubbing against his dick, which isn't something I want to think about when I'm with all our friends. "I've given the boss man everything we have, he asked questions—"

After a chat with Coach, Austin had decided to go it alone. Coach felt like it would hold a note of intimidation if we’d all rocked up.

"About what?" Nova cuts in.

"Everything." I feel his shrug. "He wanted more evidence."

"How can he argue that what we’ve given him isn’t enough?" I growl.