Page 63 of The Chase

"Listen, we can all shout at each other over Mia and her Harry meet." A few grunts and nods move around the room. "But we have to figure out what we are doing moving forwards."

"We never move around solo," Avery chips in.

"I want to—" Mia begins.

"Agreed," I cut in.

The grass stops swaying, rigid with ice. "And when I run?" Heat streaks her cheeks as she jumps up off the couch in frustration.

"I'll go with you," Sawyer offers.

"I... but..." She seems to crumble under several intense stares. "Fine, but I’m not happy about any of it."

“Noted.” I stare and she knows not to mess with me. She sits her ass down.

"We could create our own podcast!" Kit chuckles.

Nova laughs. "That's a genius idea! We can call itOn Topic, and we make sure we interview every person Harry has used for information."

"I actually like that idea!" Autumn agrees.

I shake my head. "It won't stop them. They seem to tag team at the moment."

"Has anyone seen or heard from Zac?"

"I know he's training." Lucas shrugs when we all stare at him. "What? I know someone who knows someone else."

"How can they do what they are doing and get away with it?" Nova sighs, dark hair swept up into the messy topknot all the girls favor. Chestnut eyes show her sadness.

"Because people like them always get away with things," Sawyer tells her, matter of fact.

"It's bollocks!" Kit hits out at the air before rubbing his hands over his buzzcut.

"It is bollocks, and we're going to do the right thing."

"Punch them?" Kit offers.

Why is he always looking for the violent way out?

"Graffiti their boathouse?" Autumn adds.

I wait. A few smirks hit my crew's faces. "We're going to the dean with everything we have. Underhand retaliations haven't worked so far, so we force his hand to make sure Zac and Harry are dealt with under legal terms."

"Do we all have to go?" Autumn moans, full lips blessed with a matte mauve lipstick, pout.

I smile. "We're family, and family do everything together."

I don't care if my history comes up.

I don't care if my parents walk onto the campus with a megaphone and tell the world every little detail. Those details are from their lived experiences, not mine. I can't change the past, but I can do something about the future.

Even if it means coming to terms with what I thought my future would look like. I may have lost one thing, but I’d gained so much more.

"Avery, we're going to need to use the bedroom," I tell her as I stand and charge my way over to Mia, who'd placed herself further away from me. On purpose.

She nods, understanding flashing in the jade green.

"What?" Mia gasps. "Now is not the time for sex, Austin!"