The next hour was even longer than the thirty minutes prior.

When the next text came in, I couldn’t stop my audible sigh of relief.


The team has her. They’re putting her on a plane to Wildwood as we speak. I’ll make sure the clan’s leaders suffer before they’re killed. The rest of the vamps will be headed to prison.

There was a supernatural prison deep in the mountains, run by dragons. Vampires died slowly and painfully there. Maybe I should’ve felt bad that the clan was going to be experiencing that, but I didn’t.

I was just glad I’d never have to see them again.

“You okay?” Madd murmured, his fingers soft on my face as he pulled my hair back lightly.

“I’m good. Vex found Sienna.”

He lifted his head, his gaze growing alert quickly as he took his phone from my hand. He looked over the messages quickly, before relaxing a bit.

“Good. I’m glad she’s safe.” His lips brushed my cheek. “You should’ve told me you were up and waiting to hear back. I would’ve distracted you.”

“You needed to sleep.”

He captured my mouth with his, kissing me slowly. I lost myself in the sensations for a few minutes before I pulled away. “We need to get back to Wildwood. I want to be there when she gets there.”

“Of course.” His lips brushed mine again in one last, soft kiss before we got out of bed.

I put on my clothes from the day before, and he got dressed too. There was a knock on the door while we grabbed our shoes, and a glance at the time told me it was our groceries.

“I got the code to your phone from Bauther and added some things to your grocery order. It’s supposed to be a surprise, so don’t look closely at anything,” I told him, as I pulled the front door open.

His hands caught my hips lightly, stopping me in the doorway. “The groceries areours. And if you’d asked me for the code to my phone, I would’ve given it to you myself.”

“Even if I was going to snoop?”

“I have nothing to hide. Go ahead.” His lips brushed the side of my neck, and he squeezed my waist lightly before releasing me and stepping past me.

I definitely hadn’t expected his approval of my snooping.

But it didn’t surprise me at all when he grabbed all of the grocery bags before I had the chance, loading them into the truck without letting me help at all.

We were on the road a few minutes later, flying toward Wildwood.



We didn’t havetime to pick Tori up on the way to Wildwood’s airport from the cabin, so we went straight there.

Thanks to Madd’s connections, we were outside waiting for her when her plane landed. I squeezed his hand tightly, and he didn’t say a word about my death-grip.

She stepped out of the plane after a few huge, inked-up werewolf guys.

My stomach clenched harder when I saw her.

Her light skin was paler than usual.

There were dark circles under her worried brown eyes.

She was thinner than she’d been the last time I saw her.