Her straight blonde hair fell kinked and tangled to the top of her ribs.

All she had on was a pair of loose, threadbare gray leggings, and a light pink sweater with blood stains on it.

I released Madd’s hand and rushed toward her. The big guys in front of her stepped out of my way, their gazes lifting to the mate I’d left behind me, and I crashed into Sienna hard.

She hugged me tightly, and I squeezed her even tighter.

“I should’ve left with you,” she whispered. “Thank you for sending them after me.”

“I should’ve talked you into leaving with us,” I said, my eyes stinging.

“It’s not your fault.” Her tears hit my shoulders.

We held onto each other tightly for another minute before we finally released each other. Her gaze immediately landed on someone behind me, and her eyes widened.

I glanced over my shoulder, relaxing when I saw Madd standing there, his hands in his pockets.

He was trying to look friendly, or relaxed at the very least. He really was. He just had one of those faces where if you didn’t know him well, he always looked like he was thinking about killing you.

“Sienna, this is Archer Madden. My mate.” I grabbed her hand, squeezing lightly. “He’s the alpha of the Wildwood pack—and the one who sent the other guys to rescue you.”

“Well, thank you,” she said, the uneasiness in her voice and face very clear.

“Of course.” Madd’s voice was smooth.

I pulled Sienna closer to my side, holding on to her. Though she was a few inches taller than me, she’d lost enough weight in thetime we’d been apart that I was worried she’d blow away in the wind.

We made our way out of the airport, and to Madd’s truck. On the way to the pack’s neighborhood, I sat in the back with her and gave her a rundown of everything that had happened while we’d been apart.

By the time we reached Tori’s house, she seemed slightly more comfortable. Not a lot—but a little.

Enough that I knew she would bounce back from everything that had happened. The three of us were nothing, if not survivors.

The strong scentof citrus made my eyes water as soon as I crossed the threshold of Tori’s place. I waved my hand in front of my face, trying to diffuse the smell, to no avail.

“Holy shit,” Sienna coughed, mirroring my motions.

“She really doesn’t want to end up mated,” I said, blinking quickly as we continued moving.

“No, she doesn’t,” Tori called back. She was in the entryway a moment later, throwing her arms around Sienna and hugging her just as tightly as I had. “Tell us everything,” she ordered, pulling food from her fridge and making a massive plate for Sienna.

Madd sat down in one of the kitchen’s barstools, pulling me with him as she launched into the story about what had happened since Tori and I left. He rested his chin on top of my head, and having his arms around my middle made me feel secure despite the anxiety of knowing what one of my best friends had suffered through.

When Tori started telling her side of our story, my body slowly relaxed.

The exhaustion of my sleepless night finally started to set in.

“I think Love’s ready for bed,” Tori remarked, after a while. I shook my head, trying to wake myself up.

“Not tired at all,” I mumbled.

“Get out of here,” she said, waving us toward the front door. Madd stood smoothly, setting me on my feet and slipping an arm around my waist to steady me when I wobbled.

Sienna’s stomach growled loudly while she ate, and she grimaced.

She needed blood.

“My freezers are full, so I’ll hook you up. Love and the alpha can show themselves out,” Tori declared. She led Sienna toward the door that went into her garage, where I knew she had two extra freezers. Both were courtesy of some guys who had brought her bags of their blood.