Page 47 of Bleed for Me

Great job baby. You’re amazing. Text me if

you need me.


I won’t *winking emoji* *kissy face emoji*

Setting my phone back down, I return my attention to the vehicle. I'm not entirely confident but we’ve run through the scenarios so many times I could do them in my sleep.

Something shifted inside of me the night of Nicholas’ death. I could feel it clawing its way out of a deeply suppressed part of me. I hadn’t wanted to admit at the time that I was craving the violence that I witnessed Mick unleash.

After he bared himself to me and I opened to him, we didn’t speak another word. We had gotten back in the car and he drove me straight to my apartment. The whole ride, I was in shock, my brain short circuiting as it replayed the night in my head. Mick gave me the space to work through it all. When he pulled up to my building, it took me several moments to register where we were.

He ushered me up to my apartment and inside, setting my purse down on the counter and handing me my cell phone. “I put my number in there so you can contact me whenever you need to.” He winked. “Or want to.” I smiled at him robotically and watched as he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead before turning and leaving.

Mick had immediately texted me, reiterating what he had said. It must have been obvious I wasn’t able to fully comprehend much at the time.

After a much needed shower, I had opted to just crash, and crash I did. Waking up 14 hours later to several texts from Mick along with a few calls.



Good morning baby



You still sleeping huh? *laughing emoji*



You good?

2 missed calls



Paige, answer your phone. I need to know you’re okay.

4 missed calls



Paige. Answer me.

1 missed call

