Page 48 of Bleed for Me

Okay, I’m coming over. If this is you hiding, know there is nowhere you can hide, little bird, that I won’t find you.



You look so beautiful sleeping. There’s a bottle of water and some pills next to the bed for your head. I’ll be outside.

I glanced over and, sure enough, found the water and painkillers lying on my nightstand.

That had been the moment that our relationship changed too. Instead of being captor and captive, we became partners. Two people who cared and cared for each other.

Motion pulls me back to the present. Rolling my shoulders, I focus on the task at hand.

Chapter 24


My spot on the street gives me the perfect view to see both Paige and her target.

Paige had insisted she was ready to do this on her own but I can’t bring myself to leave her alone when so many things could go wrong, especially with the discovery of Nicholas’ body still fresh on the public’s mind. I had insisted that we were fine and nothing could lead back to us, and I meant it. But I'm still not willing to chance some do-gooder spotting her.

I see her pick her phone up and respond to my texts, smiling as I reply. After her last message, she sets down her phone and squares her shoulders, attention focused on the target vehicle.

Since taking Paige home, she has come to accept the darkness inside of her. Accompanying me on stakeouts and another visit to my kill room. She had participated in the violence this time and I almost came in my pants like a fucking teenager. She was glorious, heaving breaths with blood sprayed over her. I had fucked her right there, in front of the man slowly bleeding to death.

After that, Paige asked if she could choose the next victim and take them. I was hesitant but unwilling to squelch her enthusiasm. So I agreed and made a mental promise to myself that I wouldn’t let her out of my sight.

Making true on that promise, I am now stalking my woman while she stalks another.

I shift in my seat to reach the binoculars stashed in my glove compartment. Peering through them, I see her look around briefly before sliding out of her car and sneaking over to the van. Once next to the doors, she reaches back and pulls out something, grasping tightly. She shifts and I notice it is the vial of Propofol, my nerves steady as I watch her proceed with our plan perfectly.

Reaching her hand out, Paige grasps the handle and slides the large door open. She peers in and looks confused, glancing around at her surroundings. A tingling starts running up my spine.

Something isn’t right.

As I adjust to climb out of my vehicle to go investigate, a scream pierces the air and my entire body freezes. In slow motion, I turn my head and watch as Paige is yanked into the back of the van. The door slams shut as the engine roars to life and peels out of the parking lot.

Frozen for the length of a heartbeat, I come back to my awareness and let out a roar as I start my own vehicle and slam on the gas.

No one takes what is mine.

No one.

Chapter 25


My head pounds, my eyes burn, and there’s something hot and wet on my scalp. Reaching my hand up to investigate, I find my arm unable to move. I suppress a sigh as I discreetly pull against the binds on my wrists.

I’m getting real tired of people tying me up.I think bitterly, wincing as the pounding in my head increases with each tug of my arms.

I should never have insisted on doing this alone, it was cocky and dangerous. But I had wanted to prove I could, to Mick and to myself.

Great job, look where that got you.

I suck in a quiet breath and pause my futile attempts. Willing my thrashing heartbeat to calm down, I force my body still to give me more time before my captors realize I’m awake.

There was added danger to this particular victim, but that was the reason I chose her.