Later, Saion waits for Nyktos when they exit the dining hall. He takes Jadis and is told to rock her but warned that she’s been able to cough up sparks and flames lately. He awkwardly soothes her as best he can.

As Nyktos holds Court, Saion waits with Sera and teases her about fidgeting. He tells her that no part of Nyktos doesn’t know exactly where she is at all times. When word comes that Gemma is missing, Saion joins Rhain and leaves after a signal from Nyktos.

When Sera attempts her escape, Saion escorts her back and is told to grab Rhahar to check the tombs. While they’re returning to the palace, Saion realizes she’s hurt and sniffs her wound, snarling.

Saion reappears just after Gemma dies, his head jerking up when he hears Ector remark that Sera is glowing. He then swears and asks the room at large if they can sense what he’s feeling. Finally, he watches as Sera brings Gemma back to life.

Afterward, Saion stares openly at Sera in the war room and tells her that the power to give life is both a blessing and a curse. He acknowledges that it’s a strength and not a weakness because most would not realize how quickly that power can turn on them. He then adds that bringing back the dead doesn’t just sound impressive; it is impressive. As they discuss the past, Saion agrees with Rhahar that there was more to Eythos’s actions in putting the embers in a mortal line than just giving life a chance.

Saion, Bele, and Rhahar go to check on word of a disturbance and find that something is happening along the bay. He informs everyone that a ship capsized. He adds that anyone who goes into the water usually doesn’t return.

Later, he, Rhahar, Theon, and Nyktos ride out of the gate and head down the bluffs, engaging the dakkais as they advance toward the homes. They all crouch deftly on horseback, firing arrows.

Saion arrives at the House of Haides with Nektas and Nyktos and states that at least twenty died, but they’re still checking to see if any in Lethe perished. He also shares that Nyktos was swarmed at the docks and the dakkais got a lot of hits in. When Sera leaves to try to feed the Primal, he flashes her a thumbs-up and tells her she has his thoughts and prayers.


After Hamid attacks Sera in her bathing chamber, Saion arrives with Ector and Nyktos and hands Nyktos a towel for Sera—one that wasn’t touched. He tells Rhain that Hamid tried to assassinate Sera and questions if the mortal’s motives may have to do with what Sera planned.

As Nyktos deals with the murderous gods, Saion checks on Sera, and she tells him to go to Bele. Once Taric moves his attention to Sera after being told not to look at her, Saion remarks that the fallout will be good.

Sera Ascends Bele following the attack, and Saion paces in Nyktos’s office with her and Ector. He mentions that he wasn’t around when the Primals Ascended, then tells Sera that not every god she brings back will Ascend. They’d have to be fated to hold that position. Nyktos agrees. He then learns that Sera may have had viktors, though it’s been a long time since he’s heard anything about them. He states that it would make sense if she did have them given what Eythos did.

Escorting Sera back to her chambers, she asks him if he wants revenge for what she had planned. He tells her that if he thought she was a real threat to Nyktos, he’d snap her neck, even knowing he’d be killed for it. He adds that Nyktos is attracted to her, but that’s as deep as it goes.

Sera reminds him that she’s a threat to all the Shadowlands while she’s there, and he asks her if he should snap her neck, then. She invites him to try and urges him not to be a coward and wait until her back is turned. She adds that she won’t make it easy, and he replies that he wouldn’t expect her to.

Saion reminds Sera that she’ll be the Consort in a few days. She asks him if she’ll be his Consort, and he doesn’t answer her. He then introduces her to Orphine, who’s there to make sure Sera is safe in her chambers—it’s protection more than punishment.

He joins the others in the throne room when Nyktos shares that Sera tried to go after Kolis to protect the Shadowlands and says her bravery is unmatched. He mirrors Ector, drawing his sword, bowing, and saying he hopes they deserve such an honor.

When the Cimmerian storm the gates, Saion interrupts Nyktos and Sera in the Primal’s office and tells them about it, adding that they’re from Hanan’s Court and there are about a hundred of them.

He’s ordered to stay with Sera and make sure she doesn’t leave, and he responds that he’s honored to obey such a command. He then ribs Sera by talking to her like a child, mentioning snacks and naps.

Saion asks if she really tried to go after Kolis. When she confirms, he states it’d be dishonorable to talk about harming her now and suggests that he should bow to her since she’s technically the Primal God of Life—but he won’t.

He wonders how good Sera is with a bow and then orders her to remain unseen, telling her that the Cimmerian don’t know what’s inside her and will kill her. He adds that if Nyktos is overpowered, she is to go inside to Aios and Bele. He also says that Dorcan would take her head to Hanan on a spike without hesitation. He then leaves to join the fight, jumping off the Rise. Later, he tells Nyktos that Dorcan saw Sera.

Saion takes his turn guarding Sera’s room and then goes to breakfast in the first-floor receiving room with Reaver. Sera asks him if the other rooms are ever used, and he tells her that other than Jadis and Reaver exploring them, they aren’t. She asks him who keeps them so clean, then, and he tells her that Ector does, in memory of Eythos. When Sera asks Saion where he’s from originally, he tells her about his past and how Nyktos saved both him and Rhahar.

He informs Sera that they train for a few hours every morning but says he won’t train with her. When he reiterates that and she disarms him, he’s shocked. He confesses he’d have to think about which he’d prefer: babysitting Jadis and Reaver or following her around. As Sera spars with Nyktos, Saion takes a seat on a nearby boulder to watch and then escorts her to her room afterward.

Following Veses’ attack on Sera, Saion is ordered to keep an eye on the Primal with Theon and tells Sera that Ector will be okay.

The day of the coronation, Saion remarks on how pretty Sera looks in her gown and then drives the carriage to the ceremony. After, he falls into step behind Rhahar and Sera with Ector, Rhain, and the twins. Still later, he opens the carriage door for Nyktos and Sera, addressing them as Your Highnesses, ending with a bow and a wink.

After Kyn’s attack, Saion informs Nyktos of what happened and tries to block them from seeing the bodies in the west courtyard. He tells Sera that she’s starting to glow and points out to Nyktos where Kyn is. He’s ordered to summon the armies and runs to guard on horseback.

Later, Sera has him help her get Aios down from the pike. He tells her it’ll make it worse and orders Sera to grab her head before it detaches. When Sera seethes and says, “Fuck the dakkais,” when she’s warned not to use eather, he tells her that he likes her.

Saion watches in amazement as Sera restores life to Aios and is relieved to see the goddess once again alive. He orders Kars to take Aios inside and then informs Sera that the dakkais are over the wall. He tries to stop her from saving Ector, knowing it’ll just make things worse with the dakkais, and physically keeps her away.

The battle rages against the dakkais, and Saion is injured. He tells them they need to get inside and then goes with Rhahar to help Nyktos when he’s swarmed by dakkais.


Goddess of Peace and Vengeance (in Blood and Ash timeline)